Microsoft Word Editing Access

In some cases, it might be necessary for you to configure Microsoft Windows so that it automatically opens a document for editing in Microsoft Word rather than opening it with the default Microsoft Word plug-in version in the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. This is highly recommended for any users who will be editing content. Microsoft Word editing and formatting options may not always be available in the browser-based plug-in.

If possible, you should configure the Microsoft Windows client to launch the native Microsoft Word application for editing clauses and documents instead of using the Microsoft Internet Explorer Word plug-in version. See the Microsoft support web site for more information.

Use the Microsoft support website to configure Internet Explorer to open Word documents using Microsoft Word:

Note: Files that you download from the PeopleSoft system may have a Read-Only indicator displayed in their banners at the top of the Microsoft Word window along with the name of the file. This might occur if you do not first save the file to a disk as part of the download. This banner does not imply that you cannot edit the file.