Setting Up and Building Search Indexes

Page Name

Definition Name


Search Definition Page


Locate predefined search indexes or create new search indexes.

Build Search Index Page


Build contract search indexes.

Use the Search Definition page (PTSF_SEARCH_DEF) to locate predefined search indexes or create new search indexes.


Supplier Contracts > Search Content > Search Definition.

PeopleTools > Search Framework > Designer > Search Definition.

You can also use this page to define a new search index and a specific query data for use with the index. You can define specific fields that the system will store in the search index. This search retrieves and processes data from a group of records that have multilevel parent and child relationships.

Note: For ChartField searches, if you have customized ChartFields you may need to customize PeopleSoft Search Framework setup information to include ChartField changes in the Search Framework collection so they can be searched on.

PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management provides predefined search indexes for contract library elements and current transactional and ad hoc contracts in the system. Use the Search Index Name field to select a search index. System-supplied supplier contract field values are:

  • Section search fields:



  • Clause search fields:



  • Document configurator search field: EP_CS_CONFIGURATORS.

  • Ad hoc, purchase order, purchasing contract, and sourcing document:

    • EP_CS_DOC_ADHOC search fields.

    • EP_CS_DOC_CONTRACTS search fields.

    • EP_CS_DOC_PURCHORDRS search fields.

    • EP_CS_DOC_SOURCING search fields.

    • EP_CS_DOCUMENTS search category.

    • EP_CS_AUTHORED_DOCS search category.

    • EP_CS_CWB_ALL_SOURCE search category. (Supplier Contract Workbench search)

    • EP_CS_CWB_ADHOC search category. (Supplier Contract Workbench search)

    • EP_CS_CWB_CONTRACTS search category. (Supplier Contract Workbench search)

    • EP_CS_CWB_PO search category. (Supplier Contract Workbench search)

    • EP_CS_CWB_AUC search category. (Supplier Contract Workbench search)

    • EP_CS_CWB_ADHOC search field. (Supplier Contract Workbench search)

    • EP_CS_CWB_CONTRACTS search field. (Supplier Contract Workbench search)

    • EP_CS_CWB_PURCHORDERS search field. (Supplier Contract Workbench search)

    • EP_CS_CWB_SOURCING search field. (Supplier Contract Workbench search)

    Note: Indexes with the prefix ‘EP_CS_DOC’ need to be built before indexes with the prefix ‘EP_CS_CWB.’ Otherwise, the search engine may return incorrect results.

Use the Build Search Index page (PTSF_SCHEDULE_SI) to schedule and build search indexes for Supplier Contract Management.


Supplier Contracts > Search Content > Schedule Search Index

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Build Search Index page.

Build Search Index page

Use this page to create and update the PeopleSoft Search Framework search indexes and collections to enable supplier contract content searches. The system initializes the page with values based on the index name that you select. You must create run control IDs for each search definition to build a full index and another run control ID for each search definition to build incremental indexes. It is suggested that you use the search definition name followed by _FULL or _INCR for each search definition. After you initially build your search indexes using the _FULL run controls, you should keep them updated to reflect changes that are being made in the contract library using the _INCR run controls. You should set up the _INCR processes to run as frequently as needed depending on how often changes are made to the library elements and authored documents.

Note: If you use the AMC search configuration template, the run controls described above are created automatically by the system.

Note: The system uses values defined on the configuration file, located on the application server, as the index file path default value.

Field or Control


Run Control ID

Displays the run control ID for either building or updating search indexes. You initially define the value for this field.

Search Definition

Select a search definition to build search indices.

For a list of Supplier Contract Management search definitions, see the Search Definition Page.

Indexing Type

Select one of these options:

  • Full Index indicates that all indexes are rebuilt.

  • Incremental Index indicates that only changed indexes are rebuilt.

Language Options

Select one of these options:

  • Base Language indicates that the base language specified on the International Preferences page is used when you create or build the index.

  • All Languages indicates that all activated languages on the Manage Installed Languages page are included when you create or build the index.

Full Indexing Criteria

Displays the information entered on the Search Definition - Advanced page if you entered a start date. For more information, see the PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Search Technology.