Using Document-Related Pagelets

Supplier Contract Management provides employee- and supplier-facing pagelets that collaborators, document administrators, and suppliers can use to view documents. You can select to display the pagelets using the Content link on the Home page. See PeopleSoft Financials, ESA, ALM, and SCM Portal Packs Overview.

Page Name

Definition Name


Documents Pending Action (Internal)


View a list of contract documents that are pending your check in, review, approval, or signature. Documents are sorted by the cycle due date, created date, and amendment created date. This is a general pagelet that is intended for any administrator or frequent contract collaborator.

Documents by Due Date (Internal)


View a list of the most recent upcoming documents sequenced by due date. The pagelet includes documents due for you as an administrator, as well as other administrator's documents for which you have authorized document access. Only documents with an assigned cycle due date are shown on the pagelet.

Documents Pending Review (External)


View a list of documents that are pending your review for collaboration or signature. This is an external supplier-side pagelet intended for use with a supplier-facing portal. When a document is routed for external collaboration or sent for online signatures, the document is shown on this pagelet for the external user who needs to collaborate or sign the document.