Common Elements Used When Creating Authored Documents

This list provides common terms and definitions used when creating authored document.

Field or Control


Contract Version

Contract versions refer to revisions of a procurement contract. This functionality provides a way to revise a procurement contract as a new draft version while the previous version of the procurement contract is still active within the system and purchasing transactions can be created against it

Authored Document

A textual document created in PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management that you can base on an ad hoc contract, a PeopleSoft Purchasing contract, a purchase order, or a sourcing event.

Document Version

A separate version control feature provided within PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management for authored documents. This feature enables you to create new versions of the authored document independent of the transaction.

Source Transaction

This is the basis of the authored document. In most cases PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management can pull data from a source transaction to display that data in the authored document. Options include purchasing contracts, purchase orders, sourcing events, or ad hoc contracts. With the ad hoc document, there is no separate transaction. Instead, data is pulled from wizard answers.

Transactional Purchase Order

A purchase order that is created and maintained using PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Transactional Purchasing Contract

A contract that is created and maintained using PeopleSoft Purchasing or Supplier Contract Management.

Purchasing contracts are sometime referred to as procurement contracts or purchase order contracts.

RFx Document

The authored document when created using a sourcing event as the source transaction.

Strategic Sourcing Event

A sourcing event that is created and maintained using PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing.