Managing Purchase Orders

Use this page to run budget checking (if commitment control is enabled for PeopleSoft Purchasing), check doc tolerance, and dispatch purchase orders.

Note: You can edit the SUT information only if purchase orders are not integrated with work orders

Field or Control


Budget Check

Click the Budget Check button to run budget checking for this purchase order. This button is available if commitment control is enabled for PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Note: When commitment control is enabled, the services coordinator cannot offer the position or manually release the work order until the requisition has been budget checked

Doc Tol Status (document tolerance status)

If document tolerance checking is enabled, the system displays the document tolerance status. The system runs the Document Tolerance process (before budget checking) when you click the Budget Check button, or you can run the process separately. Document tolerance checks the change in percentage or a fixed dollar amount between the purchase order and requisition at the ChartField distribution level. Values are:

  • V (valid): The purchase order has passed document tolerance checking.

  • N (not checked): The purchase order requires document tolerance checking.

    If any amounts, quantities, or ChartFields are modified after the document tolerance is checked, the system resets the document tolerance status to Not Checked.

  • E (error): Exceptions were generated for the purchase order during document tolerance checking.

    You can override document tolerance exceptions on the Document Tolerance Exception page.


Click the Dispatch button to dispatch the purchase order.

Note: The purchase order must be dispatched before the work order can be released.