Common Elements Used to Understand PeopleSoft Services Procurement and Human Capital Management Integration

Field or Control


Login Profile

Operator profile or user profile.

HCM Person

A person within the HCM system that has a unique employee ID. This person could be an employee or a contingent worker.

Services Procurement Person

A user who is registered in Services Procurement. A Services Procurement person entry is created for service coordinators, service provider contacts and service provider type of users.

HCM User

An administrator that has access to the HCM database.

SCM User

An administrator or other user who has access to the SCM database.

Job Family

The grouping of jobs to make it easier to assign a competency or competency cluster to similar jobs.

Job Function

Creates function categories that can then be assigned to job codes.

Job Code

In HCM, jobs are identified by job codes. You use job codes to maintain information about jobs independent of the person of group performing that job. For example, salary grades and standard hours are assigned to a job regardless of who holds that job.

Job Profile

Identifies a set of competencies, subcompetencies, and responsibilities that apply to employees in the same job or job family.


A country specific option for USA or France.

Note: This option is only visible when the regulatory region is USA or France.

Labor Agreement

This is a country-specific required field for Spain.

Note: This option is only visible when the regulatory region is Spain.

Job Posting

A job requirement defined within the HCM Talent Acquisition Manager application and sent to Services Procurement for fulfillment.