Examining the PTAEACECONV Log File

Use the log file to determine whether the BAM model successfully converted to an analytic model, or whether there are conversion errors that you must resolve.

If the BAM model converted successfully to an analytic model, the message Application Engine program PTAEACECONV ended normally appears at the bottom of the PTAEACECONV log file.

The PTAEACECONV log file contains detailed information about:

  • All parts that were successfully converted.

  • All parts that were not converted for either of these reasons:

    • Conversion failure.

    • Parts were not available in Analytic Calculation Engine.

  • All part names that were changed using the part name conversion method.

  • All user functions and rules that contained changed part names.

  • All expression modifiers that were converted to user functions.

  • All part name conflicts, such as shared names between dimensions and data cubes.

This example shows the PTAEACECONV log file.

Example of a PTAEACECONV log file