Creating Groups

Quite often, you may need to execute a group of Mass Change definitions in series. Mass Change functionality makes it possible to define groups of definitions and execute them all using one run control ID.

You define groups using the Mass Change Group page.

Like types and templates, each group must have a single PS Owner. This designates from which PeopleSoft system the mass change group originates.

The Mass Change Definition field identities the definitions in the group. You can add as many as you like. Each one should be assigned an Execution Sequence number, which determines the execution order.

To create a group:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Mass Changes > Mass Change Group.

  2. Search by Mass Change Group ID or PeopleSoft owner for an existing group, or add a new Mass Change Group ID.

    The Mass Change Groups page displays.

  3. Select a PS Owner.

  4. In the Mass Change Definition List area, select a Mass Change Definition to add to the group.

  5. Assign Execution Sequence numbers to each definition.

    These numbers determine the order of execution.

  6. Click the add button for additional Mass Change Definitions.

  7. Click the Save button to save the group.