Creating Queries to View Audit Records Details

One way to view the information is to use PeopleSoft Query. This section assumes a working knowledge of PeopleSoft Query, and provides some sample queries that show the type of information that you can expect to view.

To track audit records, it's useful to create an Access Group in Query Access Manager that contains all audit records. This makes it easier to access the audit records under PeopleSoft Query.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Query Access Manager.

Query Access Manager

Select all the fields from AUDIT_JOB. There are no extra criteria to add.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Query page.

Query page

This query is similar to the previous one but with the following criteria added:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Criteria page.

Criteria page

The example shows the prompt for properties the AUDIT_OPRID field:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Edit Prompt Properties page.

Edit Prompt Properties page

Set up a prompt for User ID against the PSOPRDEFN table. That way, when you run the query, you can specify a particular user ID. In this case, the query focuses on User ID VP1:

This example illustrates a prompt for User ID against the PSOPRDEFN table.

Prompt field

This query is similar to the previous one, but you specify different criteria:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Edit Criteria Properties page.

Edit Criteria Properties page

Click the Define/Edit Subquery link and select the OPRID field:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fields page.

Fields page

The subquery selects distinct User ID from PSOPRDEFN.

This example shows the SQL for the query.

View SQL page

This example shows a query containing the same fields as in the previous queries above, with different criteria.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Criteria page.

Criteria page

Set the prompt properties to follow this example.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Edit Prompt Properties page.

Edit Prompt Properties page

Change the AUDIT_STAMP field type to Date to enable the user to take advantage of the calendar control as a prompt mechanism.