Microsoft SQL Server Feature Considerations

This section discusses features in Microsoft SQL Server (MSS).

PeopleSoft recommends using the Full recovery model on SQL Server databases. All production databases should use this model for better reliability. The PeopleSoft applications do not require any particular recovery model but using the Full recovery model is considered the best practice.

See the product documentation for Microsoft SQL Server.

Some PeopleSoft applications take advantage of database triggers. Make sure that the nested triggers option is enabled for the database server hosting the PeopleSoft databases. You can use sp_dboption or Enterprise Manager to enable this option on the server.

Microsoft SQL Server enables you to create statistics and update them automatically. It’s recommended that you leave this feature enabled for PeopleSoft applications.

However, sometimes you should disable these features for a particular table. For example, if you want to modify the sample size used to create the statistics, you need to do so manually.

Another example is when the data varies considerably, and the statistics that are created are not accurate. For this you might want to disable auto create statistics and auto update statistics manually, and adjust the statistics as needed.

In general, auto create statistics and auto update statistics should be enabled for most of the tables in your database unless you need to disable the feature for specific reasons.

See the product documentation for Microsoft SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server enables you to let a database file grow automatically when it's full. PeopleSoft recommends that you leave this feature enabled, however, it should be used with caution. When the database server is in the process of increasing the size of a data file, all other activities in the server stop, which can cause server performance problems. Ideally, in a well-tuned environment this won’t occur — properly sizing the data files eliminates the performance problem.

When installing PeopleSoft applications using the Database Configuration Wizard, you have the option to let the data files grow until there's no more space on the storage devices. When installing the database manually, it's necessary to manually review and modify the file PS_HOME\scripts\createdb.sql. It includes the following lines that the database administrator should review and update with appropriate values:

-- go
-- go

For PeopleSoft databases, make sure the autoshrink option is disabled. In very specific scenarios it will be necessary to "shrink" a database file. This should be done with caution; in general, it's a better practice to do it manually.

PeopleSoft applications use a "pessimistic" implementation of the READ COMMITTED isolation level. SQL Server supports optimistic concurrency control with its implementation of the READ COMMITTED isolation level, called READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT.

Optimistic concurrency control has these benefits:

  • The overhead required for managing locks is minimized.

  • Data modification operations cannot be blocked by read operations.

Disabling Read Committed Snapshot Isolation

Under normal circumstances, this feature should always remain enabled. You can disable it if a critical problem is identified.

Before disabling the feature:

  • Make sure there are no open transactions. This means that you must close down the application server and the process scheduler.

  • If there is a risk that users are still connected with open transactions, then change the database to single user mode before continuing.

The command to disable the feature is:


The command to change the database to single user mode is:


See the product documentation for Microsoft SQL Server.

PeopleSoft recommends the use of separate physical disks for the Microsoft SQL Server data files. Ideally, databases like master, tempdb, and application databases should be on separate disks, as should the operating system paging file (in case you run some additional applications other than the database software). As a general rule, the more spindles the better; always choose more smaller-size disks over fewer larger-size disks. If you don't have separate physical disks for each of the datafiles, you should at least place your tempdb, data, and log files on separate physical devices. Make sure that your log device is using its own disk controller and is not accessed by any other device.

Note: You should always consider disk fault tolerance when deciding how you want the database server configured.

Using Filegroups

Microsoft SQL Server maps each database using a set of operating system files. All database objects and data are stored within these files. A database can have one or more data files (.mdf and .ndf extensions) and transaction log files (.ldf extension).

Filegroups are logical containers that enable the database files (.mdf, .ndf, and .ldf) to be grouped together for administrative and data placement purposes. While a filegroup can contain more than one database file, each database file can be a member of only one filegroup.

Note: While the number and placement of data files may have an impact on system performance, the number and organization of filegroups has no direct correlation to performance.

Because of the large number of tables and the complex IO patterns of a PeopleSoft database, you must consider the placement of the data files carefully to maximize performance. The best approach is to use a RAID-10 disk configuration and spread the data over as many disks as possible. Use a large number of smaller sized disks, rather than a small number of larger disks.

In addition to the main database, give careful consideration to the configuration and placement of the SQL Server Tempdb database, because PeopleSoft applications use it heavily. Given the unusual input/output characteristics of this database (on average, 50% read, 50% write), you should create your Tempdb database on a separate RAID-10 disk with multiple database files. Generally, it's appropriate to make the number of data files equal to the number of processors used.

For more information, see the product documentation for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Windows.

PeopleSoft heavily uses the tempdb database. Consider moving tempdb to its own set of disks or disk array. The size of tempdb should be adjusted to be approximately 15% to 20% of the total size of your PeopleSoft database.

Another good practice is to distribute tempdb into several data files of the same size. As a guideline, you might want to have one file for each processor assigned for SQL Server. If possible, spread these data files on a high performance disk array.

Moving Tempdb

During installation of Microsoft SQL Server, tempdb is put in the default data directory. If you wish to move it to a separate disk and resize it, the following scripts are an example of how this can be accomplished:

-- To find out where tempdb resides:
-- The following stored procedure will show on which drive tempdb
-- data and log files reside.
sp_helpdb tempdb

-- This example script moves tempdb to drive f:
alter database tempdb
modify file ( name = ’tempdev’ , filename = ’f:\data\tempdb.mdf’ )
alter database tempdb
modify file ( name = ’templog’ , filename = ’f:\log\tempdblog.ldf’ )

-- This example script resizes the tempdb data file to 500MB
-- and the tempdb log file to 500MB
alter database tempdb
modify file ( name = ’tempdev’ , size = 500MB )
alter database tempdb
modify file ( name = ’templog’ , size = 500MB )

When reporting problems to PeopleSoft support, it is advisable to generate files with traces of the problem that you want to report. Use the trace flags incorporated in PeopleSoft tools to generate these files. The trace flags are accessible through the configuration files for the Process Scheduler and the application server and through the selection of several flags when using the PeopleSoft Configuration Manager on your developer workstation.

Use “TRACESQL=63” to display the SQL statements executed when using PeopleSoft applications. This trace flag is very useful to identify problems in the SQL being executed against a database that hosts a PeopleSoft application.

The trace flag will show the details about the execution of a SQL statement, including:

  • if the statement was recompiled.

  • if the statement was using an old query plan.

  • the time it took to execute.

  • the time between executions.

  • if the SQL was parametrized.

Once you find the SQL with problems, you can use the SQL Server profiler to reproduce this outside of your PeopleSoft application.

Note: Keep in mind that tracing could affect performance considerably, and you won't be able to reproduce some problems with tracing enabled.

Available through the configuration files for the Process Scheduler and the Application Server, the activation of the EnableDBMonitoring option allows you to populate context information of the query executed against the database. This is particularly useful to gather information about the PeopleSoft user running a particular SQL statement.

Examples of SQL Statements

The following are examples of SQL statements that will display the context information of a user once EnableDBMonitoring is selected. Modify the scripts according to your needs.

--SQL to get OPRID only
(substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),0,
PATINDEX('%,%',cast(context_info as varchar(128)))))
from master..sysprocesses where spid=<spid>

--SQL to select the network id if it is there
select substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),
 len(substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),0,
PATINDEX('%,%',cast(context_info as varchar(128)))))+2,
PATINDEX('%,%',substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),
len(substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),0,
PATINDEX('%,%',cast(context_info as varchar(128)))))+2,128))-1)
from master..sysprocesses where spid=<spid>
--SQL to select network host
substring(substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),
len(substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),0,
PATINDEX('%,%',cast(context_info as varchar(128)))))+2
+PATINDEX('%,%',substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),
len(substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),0,
PATINDEX('%,%',cast(context_info as varchar(128)))))+2,128))
,128),0,PATINDEX('%,%',substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),
len(substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),0,
PATINDEX('%,%',cast(context_info as varchar(128)))))+2
+PATINDEX('%,%',substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),
len(substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),0,
PATINDEX('%,%',cast(context_info as varchar(128)))))+2,128))
,128))) from master..sysprocesses where spid=<spid>
--SQL to select App server domain
select reverse(substring(reverse(cast(context_info as varchar(128))),0,
PATINDEX('%,%',reverse(cast(context_info as varchar(128))))))
from master..sysprocesses where spid=<spid>
--SQL to select all the information trimming blanks
substring(cast(context_info as varchar(128)),0,
128-PATINDEX('%,%',reverse(cast(context_info as varchar(128))))+10)
from master..sysprocesses where spid=<spid>