PTDiagnostics Class Properties

This section lists the properties for the PTDiagnostics PeopleCode class. The properties are listed in alphabetical order.


Use the hasRowset property to indicate whether the InsertData method passes output data to Diagnostics Framework as a rowset. This property only needs to be defined for classes that use rowsets. This property takes a Boolean value:

  • True: InsertData will pass data in rowset format.

  • False: InsertData will pass data in string, number, date, or Boolean format. This is the default value.

Note: You must use the SetProperty method to set the value of this property.


Use the Purpose property to specify as a string the text that introduces and describes the purpose of the diagnostic that this application class performs. This text will be displayed as part of the diagnostic output.

The default value of this property is Unknown.

Note: You must use the SetProperty method to set the value of this property.


Use the Where property to indicate whether this application class should dynamically prompt the user for relevant parameters. This property only needs to be defined for classes that prompt the user.

This property takes a Boolean value:

  • True: The application class should dynamically prompt the user.

  • False: The application class should not dynamically prompt the user. This is the default value.

Note: You must use the SetProperty method to set the value of this property, and you must set it from within the constructor method. If you set this property to True, you must define the GetDynamicPrompt method in your application class to prompt the user.