Embedding UPK-Based URLs in Messages

To embed UPK-based URLs in messages:

  1. Select Administration from the drop-down menu, and then select Message Catalog.

  2. Click Add a New Value.

  3. Enter 21000. (You want to enter a value that isn’t reserved by PeopleTools or PeopleSoft applications.)

  4. Enter a description.

  5. Enter message text.

    Note: The message text is the link text that appears in the embedded help pop up. A phrase such as, “Show me” or another generic phrase works well.

  6. Enter a description. In the description, include this code:

    %PBURLTBL(URL_ID, setnbr, mnbr)
  7. Replace URL_ID with the URL identifier that you added earlier.

  8. Replace setnbr with the set number of your message.

  9. Replace mnbr with the message number of your message.

    The following example would access the UPK_QRY_1 URL and display message set 3, message number six:

    %PBURLTBL(UPK_QRY_1, 3,61)
  10. Save the message.