Modifying the UPK Player Package Link

As part of the embedded Help functionality, you can include links to Oracle UPK modules and topics.

To modify the UPK player package link:

  1. Contact your UPK system administrator to obtain the player package link (URL). It should look similar to this:


  2. Change the file name toc.html to kp.html so that the URL looks similar to this:


    The kp.html file lists your UPK modules and topics. Pointing directly to the kp.html file, which is located in the player package folder, enables you to manually link to a specific mode for a topic.

  3. Paste the link into your browser to access the file.

  4. Find the topic that you want to use in embedded help, and then right-click the Concept or Do It link associated with the topic.

    If you are creating task oriented related content, right-click the Do It link, otherwise click the Concept link.

  5. From the pop-up menu, select Copy Shortcut or Copy Link Location. You will need the URL in the next topic, Adding UPK-Based URLs to the Application.

    As an alternative, select Properties and then copy the URL that you see on the dialog box.

    • For conceptual information, the URL should look similar to this:


    • For task oriented information, the URL should look similar to this:

      http://upkserver/upk/peopletools/dhtml_kp.html?Guid=69f0376e-70fc-417c-a43cecd6afb72b29& Mode=D&Back

    Note: The URL for each UPK mode ends differently. Look for &Mode= near the end of the URL.

This table lists the different URL endings and the corresponding UPK mode for each ending:

URL Ending

UPK Mode


Do It


Know It


Try It


See It


Print It

