Understanding Cross-Reference Reports

Using PeopleTools, you can create new applications by defining menus and pages that you use to enter data and database tables. PeopleTools includes a variety of cross-reference reports (similar to blueprints) that guide you through the definitions (such as menus, pages, and records) that are delivered with the system and those that you create or adapt with PeopleTools.

PeopleTools cross-reference reports are predefined SQR reports, not unlike the standard reports that are delivered with the PeopleSoft application. Like other standard reports, you can identify cross-reference reports by the three-character prefix XRF. The reports provide several views of the application, ranging from high-level lists of the windows, menus, and pages to the detailed database attributes of fields.

Note: Cross-reference reports are delivered in SQR format.

You should already be familiar with the types of definitions that are delivered with the PeopleSoft application, as well as with PeopleTools and relational databases.

This table describes the cross-reference reports:





AE Program and Plugins

Lists all Application Engine programs that have been configured with an Application Engine plug-in, including relevant information on the plug-in, section, and step.


Applications and Fields

Lists all menus, such as general tables, in alphabetical order, including the fields in each menu. For each field, it lists the field name, type, length, and format, as well as all record and page definitions that contain the field (in the window).


Event and App Class Mapping

Lists all components, pages, records and record fields that are mapped to application class PeopleCode programs along with the PeopleCode event type.


Fields Referenced by PeopleCode Programs

Lists all PeopleCode programs in alphabetical order by the associated record definition and field. It includes the types of fields that are referenced in the PeopleCode program.


Fields and Pages

Lists all fields in alphabetical order. It includes the names of all record and page definitions in which the fields occur and lists the field long names.


Records and Fields

Lists all fields in alphabetical order. It includes the field long name, type, length, and formatting, as well as the names of all record definitions that contain the field.


Field Listing

Lists all fields in alphabetical order. It includes field type, length, format, long name, and short name.


Menu Listing

Lists all menus in alphabetical order, including all page definitions in each menu. It includes the associated search record definition name and detail page definition name.


Page (Panel) Listing

Lists all page definitions in alphabetical order.


PeopleCode Programs and Field References

Lists record definitions that contain fields with PeopleCode program attributes. It includes the field name, as well as the associated record definitions and fields that are referenced in the PeopleCode program.


Pages and Drop Zone Subpages

Lists pages with drop zones and the subpages configured to those drop zones.


Pages with PeopleCode

Lists all pages that contain fields with PeopleCode attributes. For each page, it includes the name of the record definitions that contain the field, as well as the field name and type.


Fields and Records

Lists all fields in alphabetical order by the associated record definition name. It details the field long name, type, length, and formatting.


Records and Pages

Lists all record definitions in alphabetical order. It includes the menu and page definitions that are associated with each record definition.


Window Listing

Lists all application menu windows in alphabetical order.

Note: In addition to standard cross-reference reports, if you are familiar with the PeopleSoft database you can generate additional ad hoc reports to extract the exact combination of information that you need.