Understanding Image-Related Elements

You find images throughout PeopleSoft applications. Images serve many purposes such as identifying an employee or indicating to a user their current step in a series of steps in a process. PeopleSoft Application Designer offers several image-related elements, each of which you use depending on the purpose of the image. The following table describes the usage of each image-related element and provides an example of it:

Image-Related Feature



Image field

Use to create a field in a database table that stores images in a user-defined format, such as portable network graphic (PNG) or bitmap (BMP). Like all fields, you place image fields in record definitions.

The EMPLOYEE_PHOTO field is an image field in the EMPLOYEE_PHOTO record definition.

ImageReference field

Use to create a field in a derive/work table that temporarily holds an image that can change programmatically at runtime using PeopleCode. Like all fields, you place image fields in record definitions.

The LOGO field is an image reference field that appears in the TE_HTL_LIST derived work record definition.

Image definition

Use to store an image file as a PeopleTools-managed item in the image catalog.

For example, the spinning image that appears when the system processes user information is the PT_PROCESSING image definition

Image control

Use to display image data that is stored in image fields in the database.

For example, an image control appears on the EMPLOYEE_PHOTO page; this control references the EMPLOYEE_PHOTO record field.

Static image control

Use to display a static image that is stored in the image catalog.

For example, a static image control appears on the COMPANY_CAR page; this control references the CAR_STOCK image in the image catalog.

You can use the Browse Image Catalog page in the browser to view all images stored in the database. This page allows you to filter by image type along with other search criteria.

The following example shows how to view all PNG images with names that start with PT:

An example of the Browse Image Catalog page