Understanding the Registration Wizard

This section provides an overview of the Registration Wizard.

Field or Control


Content reference

A reference to a URL for a transaction page. Appears as a link in the navigation menu at runtime.


A specialized PeopleCode function that generates dynamic web content.

See Understanding Internet Script Classes.

Permission list

A set of access rights to application objects, including processes and reports, web libraries, functions, and other elements.

See Understanding Permission Lists.

Portal registry

A tree structure in which content for a portal is organized, classified, and registered. A portal registry consists of folders, content references, and nodes.

See Portal Registry.

After you create pages and assign them to a component, you must register that component to display the transaction page in the browser. You can use the Registration Wizard to do this. The wizard gathers information, attaches the component to a menu, assigns a permission list to allow security access rights, and places a content reference entry in the portal registry, which displays the component to the user on the navigation menu.

Note: Before running the Registration Wizard, the menu definition, permission list, and folder must exist. The wizard does not create these definitions. Instead, it matches existing definitions to one another and creates the content reference.

If change control is enabled while you are using the Registration Wizard, you will only be allowed to associate components with locked menus.