Using Frames

Note: Frames are not supported in fluid applications.

Use the frame control to visually group a set of controls on a page.

To change frame labels and display options:

  1. Double-click a frame to open the Frame Properties dialog box.

  2. On the Label tab, enter a brief text description of the function of the controls in the frame.

    The default frame label is Frame. Any label that you attach to a frame is for information only—it does not appear on your page, but it does appear on the page definition printout and in the control order list. Use labels to differentiate among multiple frames on your page.

    For example, if you are enclosing address controls, you might use the label Address Frame.

  3. Select the style for the frame.

    You can control the line color and thickness and the background color of a frame by specifying a style.

    See Understanding Style Sheets and Style Classes.

  4. Select the Hide Border check box to hide the border of a frame.

    Use this option to use the style to shade only the background of the framed area or to apply other styles. If you select Hide Border, it overrides the border options that are specified in a style.

    You might also use a frame with a hidden border to facilitate HTML generation. When you insert a frame in a page section, the system generates that section as a table in HTML. This functionality is useful to ensure the correct layout. However, in some browsers, adding more HTML tables can degrade performance.

    See Improving Online Performance.

  5. Select the Adjust Layout for Hidden Fields check box to enable automatic vertical adjustments to the frame size when hidden fields are present.

    If visible fields are not present to the right or left of the hidden field in a frame, the frame collapses to surround the remaining fields.

  6. If the field is associated with multi-currency processing, select the Multi-Currency Field option on the Use tab in the Frame Properties dialog box.

    This selection causes the field to appear at runtime only if the Multi-Currency option on the PeopleTools Options page is selected.