Using Horizontal Rules

This section discusses how to:

  • Draw a horizontal rule.

  • Set horizontal rule properties.

To draw a horizontal rule:

  1. Select Insert > Horizontal Rule.

  2. Draw a horizontal line of the appropriate length on the page.

This section discusses how to apply informational labels to a horizontal rule and configure how the horizontal rule is used on a page.

Setting Horizontal Rule Label Properties

To set horizontal rule label properties:

  1. Open the Horizontal Rule Properties dialog box.

  2. On the Label tab, enter an information-only label to differentiate the line from other frames and lines on your field order list.

  3. Select the style for the line.

    You can control the color and line thickness of a horizontal rule by specifying a style.

    See Understanding Style Sheets and Style Classes.

Setting Horizontal Rule Use Properties

Access the Horizontal Rule Properties dialog box. Select the Use tab.

Field or Control


Multi-Currency Field

See Setting Use Properties.

Set to Level

Manipulate the occurs level of your controls on the page while still preserving the physical tab order at runtime. If you adjust the sequence of fields on the Order tab of the page definition, the tab order for the user at runtime is adjusted to that new order, which may not be the desired tab order. In which case, you can insert a horizontal rule, and set the level to apply to any control beneath the horizontal rule. In doing so, you can maintain a consistent, logical tab order.

Use this setting to specify a scroll level organization that differs from the order of page fields on the Order tab. For example, you might want to create a page that contains multiple collapsing group boxes with each containing level-based controls. By placing a horizontal rule between each of the collapsing sections and setting the level to 0, you return the occurs level to 0 so that you can add additional levels without having to alter the order of controls on the Order tab.

Likewise, assume you insert a hyperlink within a level 1 scroll area, but below a level 2 scroll area that exists within the level 1 scroll area. However, you want the hyperlink to be considered part of level 1 for tabbing purposes. By placing the horizontal rule between the level 2 scroll and the hyperlink and adjusting the Set to Level value to 1, you can associate the hyperlink with the other level 1 elements for tabbing purposes.

See Level-Based Controls.