Using Static Text

Access the Static Text Properties dialog box.

Label Text

Field or Control



If you select Text, you can use either uppercase or lowercase characters. The text label is limited to 60 characters in length. You can also split your text item into multiple lines. To do this, position the cursor in the Text field where you want the split to occur and click the Insert Line Feed button. A thick vertical bar character appears in the Text field, and, when you close the dialog box, your text item is split into multiple lines.

Message Catalog

If you select Message Catalog, enter the appropriate message set and number. As with a text label, you are limited to message catalog text of 60 characters.


You can control the color, font, size, and other characteristics of the text by specifying a style.

See Understanding Style Sheets and Style Classes.


Set the horizontal alignment of your text control, as determined by the left-hand edge of the field. You can align controls to the left-of-center, centered, or to the right-of-center.

Use Tab

If a text item is associated with multi-currency processing, select the Multi-Currency Field option. This selection causes the text item to appear at runtime only if the Multi-Currency option on the PeopleTools Options page is selected.