Freeing Locked Temporary Tables

If you use dedicated temporary tables for Application Engine programs, then you might need to free, or unlock, a temporary table if the program running against it terminates abnormally. Because most Application Engine programs run through PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, typically you use Process Monitor to unlock the temporary tables. Deleting or restarting a process using Process Monitor automatically frees the locked temporary tables.

For the programs that you invoke outside of PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, use the Manage Abends page. Programs running outside of Process Scheduler include those invoked from CallAppEngine PeopleCode and the command line.

To free locked temporary tables using the Manage Abends page:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Application Engine > Manage AE Abends..

  2. Identify the program that has locked the temporary tables you want.

    Use the process instance, run control ID, program name, user ID, and run date and time columns to uniquely identify programs.

  3. Click the Temp Tables link.

  4. On the Temporary Tables page, click the Release button to unlock the temporary tables associated with the program.