Working with the Back Button

The Back button is displayed on the left side of the fluid banner (or the left side of the fluid-like portal header on classic pages). The Back button is used to navigate back to the previously visited item (for example, component, homepage, activity guide, navigation collection, WorkCenter, or MAP application).

The navigation history stack tracks navigation from component to component, including navigation from standard components, homepages, dashboards, activity guides, navigation collections, WorkCenters, and MAP applications. When a user navigates from one of these items, the Back button will point back to that item. However, page transfers within a component are not tracked in the navigation history stack. To support navigation tracking to remote content in a clustered PeopleSoft environment, an additional HTTP request, PTGETREMOTEDATA, is issued from the local site to the remote site. For more information on the Back button’s behavior in specific circumstances, see Using the Back Button.

Application developers can override the default Back button behavior (for example, indicating that a specific transfer is to be ignored) using the SetTransferAttributes PeopleCode function, which alters the entries written to the navigation history stack. In addition, component property settings or the SetTransferAttributes function can be used to enable tracking of page-to-page transfers within a component.