Customizing PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture Pages for Bidirectionality

This section discusses how to customize the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture pages for bidirectionality.

Note: You can set bidirectionality explicitly for an object or inherit it from parent objects.

This table lists and describes the system and meta-HTML variables that are used to develop bidirectional PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture pages:

Directionality Variables



Use this system or meta-HTML variable instead of hard-coded left to align page elements.


Use this system or meta-HTML variable instead of hard-coded right to align text.


Use this system or meta-HTML variable instead of hard-coded right for numeric amounts


Use this system or meta-HTML variable instead of hard-coded ltr or rtl to set the directionality of elements, such as the <html> tag of an HTML document.

Anywhere you normally use left, right, ltr, or rtl, use the appropriate directionality variable. For instance, instead of

<td align='right'>


<td align='%AlignEnd'>

This also applies to left and right keywords within HTML substrings. For instance:


Note: HTML elements inherit the directionality of the parent element, so setting dir='%Direction' on the HTML tag will take effect for all the elements within the HTML page, unless overridden. If no directionality is set on the HTML element, the default value is dir='ltr'.

When adding images to the image catalog, you must identify the images you want to flip horizontally when loaded.

The Use tab on the Image Properties dialog box features a Mirror this image in right-to-left contexts check box that enables you to specify that an image be flipped horizontally when loaded onto a page in a right-to-left context.

Note: The check box can only be changed when the user is logged into Application Designer as a base language user. If an image is marked to be mirrored, it cannot be translatable. Any translations for an image marked to be mirrored will be discarded.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Image Properties - Use tab.

Image Properties - Use tab

As a general rule, set this option for any image that does not contain text and has a directional meaning, such as arrow icons that indicate next and previous actions.