Using Alternate Language DLLs

Although the majority of PeopleTools user interface elements viewed by the end user are stored in the database, PeopleTools executable modules do contain some translatable elements. When running PeopleTools components (such as the application server, PS/nVision, and PeopleSoft Query) on Microsoft Windows, the translations are read from alternate language DLLs. An alternate language DLL is a file that stores translated strings for an associated PeopleTools module, a DLL or EXE file. At run time, the system uses the resources in the alternate language DLLs that correspond to the user’s language preference.

The PeopleSoft system uses a naming convention that includes the name of the base executable (an executable with English strings) and the language code that identifies the language of the alternate language DLL. An alternate language DLL is named as follows:


Field or Control



Three-character code that identifies the PeopleTools module associated with the alternate language DLL.


Three-character code that identifies the language of the alternate language DLL.

The following diagram illustrates the structure and execution flow of a base module (psmod.dll) and its French alternate language DLL (PSMODFRA.dll). The base executable, psmod.dll, contains all executable code plus English strings. The alternate language DLL is used only to store translated resources. Program execution follows this flow:

  1. The system calls psmod.

  2. The session language is determined: English (ENG) or French (FRA).

  3. In both cases, psmod.dll is executed.

  4. Execution of psmod.dll requests a string.

  5. If the session language is English, psmod.dll retrieves the English string from itself, psmod.dll.

  6. If the session language is French, then the system determines whether the alternate language DLL, PSMODFRA.dll exists.

  7. If the alternate language DLL exists, then psmod.dll retrieves the French string from PSMODFRA.dll.

  8. If the alternate language DLL does not exist, psmod.dll retrieves the English string from itself, psmod.dll.

The following diagram illustrates the structure and execution flow of a psmod.dll module and its French alternate languagePSMODFRA.dll

Structure and execution flow psmod.dll and PSMODFRA.dll