Viewing and Replacing Terminology Search Results

After a search is completed, select PeopleTools > Translations > Modify Terminology > Translations Search Replace to review the search results.

The Replace Data page displays the database object search results, but not the Message Catalog search results. Use this page to review search results, verify replacement text, and indicate when to run the Replace process.

This section discusses how to:

  • Review search results.

  • Verify replacement text.

  • Enable or disable replace processing.

Reviewing Search Results

To review search results:

  1. Examine the search results in both the base language and the non-base language.

    The search results appear in a grid where you can see details about each occurrence of the search text.

    Field or Control


    Base Text

    Displays the occurrences of the text that you searched for in the base language tables.

    Non-Base Text

    Displays the occurrences of the text you searched for in the non-base language tables. This is the text that is replaced if you decide to run the Replace process. If you searched the base language only, there is no non-base text, and the base text is replaced.

    Replacement Text, Too Long, and Replace

    These columns are used to finalize the replacement text.

  2. Look to see which pages display the search text.

    Field or Control



    This column indicates the number of pages on which the instance of the search text appears. This number appears only for objects that are placed on pages: fields, translate values, and (hard-coded) page text.

    View Text Search Details

    Click this button to display details about that occurrence of the search text.

    View the record and field where this instance was found, as well as the keys for each occurrence of the text in the record. Also view the text from the base language table, the corresponding translation from the related language table, and the suggested replacement text.

    View Text Found

    Click this button to display information about which search words were found. Remember that a single set of search criteria can include searches for many terms. For example, if you searched for both Codigo and Departamento, the Text Found page shows which word or words were found in this record.

  3. (Optional) Review the information about the record and field where the text was found.

    Field or Control


    Field Name

    System name of the field where the text resides.


    Displays the length of the field. This information is useful when you plan to replace text because it tells you the maximum length of any replacement text.


    Name of the record where the occurrence was found.

    RLang Rec (related language record)

    Name of the corresponding related language table.

  4. (Optional) Inspect the original search criteria.

    Field or Control


    View Search Criteria

    Click this button to display a read-only version of the search criteria. This can help you understand the search results.

Verifying Replacement Text

To verify replacement text:

  1. Inspect the suggested replacement text.

    Field or Control


    Replacement Text

    Shows the suggested replacement text, based on your original search criteria. At this point no replacement has occurred. Remember that the replacement text replaces the non-base text unless you searched only the base language, in which case it replaces the base text.

  2. If necessary, modify the replacement text.

    Modify the replacement text if you’re not happy with the suggested text or if the suggested text is too long for the field.

    Field or Control


    Too Long

    The system selects this check box when the suggested replacement text is too long for the field. This can occur when the replacement text is longer than the search text. When this happens, you must edit the replacement text (perhaps using an abbreviation) so that it fits in the field. It may help to look at the Length column to see the maximum allowable length.

    Once the replacement text is an acceptable length, the system clears the Too Long check box.

    You don’t need to modify the text if you decide that you don’t want the replacement to happen at all; the next step describes a different mechanism for disabling replacement for specific rows.

    Note: When the replacement text is too long, the search text won’t be replaced during the Replace process.

  3. Selectively enable and disable replacement processing.

    Field or Control



    Use this check box to replace some occurrences of the search text without replacing all of them.

    Select the check box for the occurrences that you want to replace; clear the check box for the occurrences that you want left as they are. When you run the Replace process, only the selected rows are updated.

    After you run a search, the Replace check box is automatically selected for all occurrences other than those where the suggested replacement text is too long for the field.

    To clear the Replace check box in all rows, click the arrow that curves to the left.

    To select the Replace check box in all rows (other than those where the replacement text is too long for the field), click the arrow that curves to the right.

Enabling or Disabling Replace Processing

To enable or disable replace processing:

  1. To enable replace processing, select the Replace Ready check box.

    The replace process picks up only searches where this check box is selected.

  2. To permanently disable replace processing for this specific search, click the Complete button.

    This button changes the status of the results to Complete. Once this happens, no further processing is possible. If you have edited messages on the Replace Messages page, those changes become permanent.

  3. Click the Save button.

The Replace Messages page provides a focused view of all the Message Catalog entries that satisfy the search criteria. Use this page to review the messages and make replacement changes manually. You can use this feature at any time in the Search, Replace, and Undo process.

Note: You must manually update message text. If you continue to the Undo step, you must also manually back out of your changes. The automatic Replace and Undo process for other database objects does not apply to message text.

To review search results and update message text:

  1. Click the Review Messages button to load the results into the page.

    Once the results are loaded, you can see each message that contained the search text from your search.

  2. (Optional) Inspect the original search criteria.

    Click the View Search Criteria button to display a read-only version of the search criteria.

  3. Review the messages.

    You can see only one message at a time on this page. To review the messages, page through them and look at each one individually.

  4. Edit the messages as necessary.

    As you review the messages, determine whether it is appropriate to replace the text or reword the message. When you decide to make changes, edit the text directly on this page. Saving the page updates the Message Catalog.

    Note: You must update message text manually. The automatic Replace process for other database objects does not apply to message text.

  5. Click the Save button.

After you have finalized your replacement text and settings in the Translations Search Replace page, you must run a Replace process to actually make the replacements. Running the Replace process updates the search status from Searched to Replaced.

After you run the Replace process, you have one last chance to back out any changes made by the process.

See Replacing Message Text.

Warning! Once you change the search status and update the search status, you can no longer view this search in the Search Result/Update pages. Be sure that you are finished with both pages, that is, you have finished manually editing your messages, before you change the status.

To run the Replace process:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Translations > Modify Terminology > Run Translations Replace.

  2. Search for an existing run control ID or add a new one.

    Use the standard search or add method to enter your run control ID and access the Run Translations Replace page.

  3. Verify that the appropriate search definitions will be processed.

    By default, the Replace includes all search definitions that have the status Searched and have the Replace Ready check box selected. If a search appears here that you do not want to run, go back to the Translations Search Replace page and clear the Replace Ready check box. If a search is missing, go back to the Translations Search Replace page and select the Replace Ready check box.

    Click the View Search Criteria button to display a read-only version of the search criteria. This is useful when you want to confirm which set of criteria you’re processing.

  4. Click the Run button.

    The Process Scheduler Request page appears.

  5. Complete the Process Scheduler Request page.

    See Submitting Process Requestsand Scheduling Process Requests.

  6. Click OK.

    The Replace process runs. Once the replace is complete, you can navigate to the Review Translations Replace page to view the results.