Using PeopleTools within Implementation Phases

The following table describes the implementation phases and lists the tools and technologies that are likely to be used within the particular phases.



Tools and Technologies Used


This phase covers the activities involved in installing the PeopleSoft software and setting up your demonstration PeopleSoft environment. A demonstration environment includes application servers, Process Scheduler servers, web servers, and a PeopleSoft database.

  • Data Mover

  • Configuration Manager

  • Application Designer

  • Security

  • Data Integrity Tools (DDDAUDIT and SYSAUDIT)

  • Automation Configuration Manager

Application Configuration

This phase covers the activities involved in configuring the PeopleSoft applications you have purchased to fit the business processes of your organization. This phase includes setting up security access, customizing pages, creating custom batch programs, and so on.

  • Security

  • Application Designer

  • Global Technology

  • PeopleCode

  • Search

  • Application Engine

  • Setup Manager

  • Portal Technology

System Configuration

This phase covers the activities involved in setting up and configuring the infrastructure that supports the deployment of your application configuration. For example, in this phase you would set up the servers, the security, and processes required to be in place for your end users to use the PeopleSoft system to complete business transactions with a browser or other device.

  • Portal Technology

  • PeopleTools Security

  • Application Server

  • Process Scheduler

  • Search Framework

  • MultiChannel Framework

  • Setup Manager

  • Application Engine

  • Integration Broker

Decision Support Configuration

This phase covers the activities involved with setting up the reporting and decision support systems that decision makers will use to gather business information. This includes developing predefined queries and reports, setting up a system to generate reports at scheduled times, set up access to OLAP cubes, and so on.

  • Process Scheduler

  • PeopleSoft Tree Manager

  • PS/nVision

  • Cube Builder

  • SQR for PeopleSoft

  • PeopleCode

  • Pivot Grid

Business Process Integration

This phase covers the activities involved in setting up systems that enable your business processes to span multiple business areas, such as HR and Finance, within your organization. This phase includes setting up our XML-driven integration technology that enables disparate systems to exchange data seamlessly, and it also includes setting up PeopleSoft Workflow to enable multiple users within a business process to easily route data and notifications to each other.

  • Integration Broker

  • Workflow Technology

  • Component Interfaces

  • Application Designer

  • PeopleCode

  • Application Engine

  • Portal Technology


This phase covers the activities that are involved in maintaining your PeopleSoft system once you have rolled out the system to your end users. This phase includes monitoring system performance, upgrading to new releases, applying patches, and so on.

  • Performance Monitor

  • Test Framework

  • Diagnostic Framework

  • Data Archive Manager

  • Change Assistant

  • Application Data Sets

  • Utilities

  • Application Management Plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager

  • Environment Management Framework