Bypassing Integration Engines to Send Messages

You can use the PeopleCode built-in functions ConnectorRequest and ConnectorRequestURL to send synchronous requests directly to the integration gateway, without any message processing taking place on the integration broker engine, thereby eliminating the need for transactions.

Note: ConnectorRequest and ConnectorRequestURL are for use with synchronous requests only.

To use any of these methods, the integration gateway must be configured and running.

When you use either of these functions, errors and messages are written to the integration gateway logs.

The ConnectorRequest function enables you to build a message object and perform a POST or GET using any target connector. With this function, you use the Message object to populate connector values.

Response messages are returned unstructured in the IB_GENERIC message. The IB_GENERIC message is delivered out-of-the-box.

The ConnectorRequest function features optional user exception logic. If you pass the optional parameter true and a user exception occurs anywhere in the function, the response message returns a Response Status property set to false. Always read the Response Status property of the response message to determine if the call was successful. If it was not successful, interrogate the IBException object within the Message object to get the details of the exception.

The following example shows using the ConnectorRequest function to perform a GET to obtain a stock quote.

Local XmlDoc &Output;
Local String &Exception;

Local Message &MSG1, &MSG2;


&MSG.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.ConnectorName = "HTTPTARGET";
&MSG.IBInfo.IBConnectorInfo.ConnectorClassName = "HttpTargetConnector";

&nReturn = &MSG.IBinfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties
    ("Method", "GET", %HttpProperty);
&nReturn = &MSG.IBinfo.IBConnectorInfo.AddConnectorProperties
    ("URL", "
    =PSFT&format=l1c1d1t1", %HttpProperty);

&MSG2 = %IntBroker.ConnectorRequest(&MSG, true); // user exception property (true) passed

If &MSG2.ResponseStatus = %IB_Status_Success Then
    &Output = &MSG2.GetXmlDoc(); // get the data out of the message

    &Exception = &MSG2.IBException.ToString()); // read the exception


The following example shows sample code to read the response Message object to get exception details if using user exception logic:

&Response_MSG = %IntBroker.ConnectorRequest (&MSG, True);

If  &Response_MSG.ResponseStatus = %IB_Status_Success Then
    /* Perform successful processing of Response Message */

    /* Read the IB Exception object for exception specifics. */
    &error = &Response_MSG.IBException.ToString ();


The ConnectorRequestURL function enables you to use HTTP or FTP to perform a GET using a query string.

Based on the format of the string you provide, the integration gateway uses the HTTP target connector or FTP target connector to perform the GET.

Response messages are returned in a string.

Using ConnectorRequestURL with HTTP

The following example shows using the ConnectorRequestURL function to perform a GET to obtain a stock quote using HTTP.

&Output = %IntBroker.ConnectorRequestURL("

Using ConnectorRequestURL with FTP

The syntax of the FTP URL is:


The following example shows using the ConnectorRequestURL function to perform a GET to obtain a stock quote using FTP.

&Output = %IntBroker.ConnectorRequestURL("