Inactivating Pub/Sub Server Domains

To inactivate pub/sub servers on domains:

  1. Inactivate pub/sub server domains:

    1. To inactivate domains on all machines in the messaging system, select the All Domains Inactive check box. To activate the servers at a later time, select the All Domains Active box.

    2. To inactivate domains on individual machines, locate the domains to inactivate. In the drop-down list box, select Inactivate. To activate the servers at a later time, select Activate in the list.

  2. Click the Update button.

The domain status for the domains that you inactivate changes from Active to Inactive. In addition, in the Dispatcher Status section, the dispatcher status of all processes associated with the domains changes from active (ACT) to cleanup (CLNUP). Click the Refresh button until the dispatcher status changes to inactive (INACT).

If you inactivated all domains, a Force Reset button appears under the Update button. The Force Reset button enables you to force the dispatcher status to change from cleanup to inactive.