Managing Pub/Sub Process Handler Performance

This section discusses how to:

  • Enable the serial recycling of pub/sub process handlers.

  • Recycle pub/sub process handlers based on process memory growth.

When serial recycle for pub/sub process handlers is enabled, the system recycles process handlers (within a group) on a serial basis–one after another–to allow processing to continue uninterrupted.

If serial recycling is disabled, all pub/sub process handlers recycle at once, which can cause throughput to come to a standstill.

By default the serial recycling of pub/sub process handlers is enabled.

Serial recycling uses the following parameters that you set in the psappsrv.cfg file in the Settings for PUB/SUB Servers section:

Field or Control


Serial Recycle

To enable serial recycling enter Y. To disable serial recycling enter N.

The default value is Y.

Serial Recycle Time

Specifies the maximum interval in seconds at which the system recycles a process.

The minimum valid recycle time is 60 seconds

The default value is 60 seconds.

To enable serial recycling, uncomment the parameters in the psappsrv.cfg file and set the appropriate values. After you have made your changes, save the file and reboot the application server.

To disable serial recycling, comment out the parameters, save the file and reboot the application server.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to recycle pub/sub process handlers based on memory growth in cache.

You use the Percentage of Memory Growth parameter in the psappsrv.cfg file to specify that the system recycle pub/sub process handlers when memory has grown by a value you specify. The system checks to see if the percentage criterion is met after processing a specified number of requests.

By default the Percentage of Memory Growth parameter is disabled.

This feature uses the following parameters that you set in the psappsrv.cfg file in the Settings for PUB/SUB Servers section:

Field or Control


Percentage of Memory Growth

Specifies the percentage growth of memory in cache at which the system recycles pub/sub process handlers.

The default value is 20 percent.

Interval Parameter

Determines the number of requests for the system to process before checking the percent memory growth in cache.

The default value is 100.

To enable process handler recycling based on memory growth, uncomment the parameters in the psappsrv.cfg file and set the appropriate values. After you have made your changes, save the file and reboot the application server.

To disable process handler recycling based on memory growth, comment out the parameters, save the file and reboot the application server.