Renaming or Deleting Nodes

This section discusses how to rename and delete nodes.

This section discusses how to rename and delete nodes.

There are several situations in which you might need to rename or delete a node definition. When you do so, PeopleSoft Integration Broker automatically handles most of the dependencies involved — such as deleting routings and other properties associated with the node.

However, the live message data in Integration Broker Monitor remains unchanged. If that data still contains references to the node you want to modify, Integration Broker will prevent you from making the modification. You must remove all data from the live message tables before you can rename or delete the node definition.

You cannot delete the default local node or a node that hosts a portal. As a result, the Delete Node button is hidden on these node definitions.

Note: If you upgraded your PeopleSoft application from a PeopleTools 8.1x release, the newly created default local node definition must be renamed, so you must first remove any remaining live message data if you didn’t do so before the upgrade.

Renaming or deleting a node requires the following actions:

  1. Deactivate all the domains in your messaging system.

    1. Access the Domain Status page.

    2. For each active domain in the system, from the Domain drop-down list box, select Inactive.

    3. Click Update to change the status of all domains to Inactive and all dispatchers to Cleanup.

    4. Click Force Reset to change the status of all dispatchers to Inactive.

  2. Remove the data from the live message tables.

    You have several choices when removing data from the live message tables:

    • You can archive messages one at a time from the Asynchronous Details or Synchronous Details component.

    • You can archive messages with a batch process using the Archive Monitor Data Archive/Delete Monitor Data component.

    • You can purge message data using one of several Data Mover scripts delivered with PeopleSoft Integration Broker. You'll find them in PS_HOME\scripts:

      Field or Control



      Deletes the queue data from every live message table in the database.


      Deletes the message data from every live message table and every archive message table in the database. This is the recommended procedure when upgrading from earlier versions of PeopleTools, because the archived data is largely incompatible with the new release.

  3. Rename or delete the desired node definition.

    If you are renaming the default local node, note that the name cannot exceed 15 characters. Other node names can contain up to 30 characters.

  4. Reboot the web server.

  5. Reactivate the messaging domains.

    1. Access the Domain status page.

    2. On the Domain Status page, select All Domains Active.

    3. Click Update to change the status of all domains and dispatchers to Active.