Using the Target Locations Page to Set Target Locations for Services

Use the Target Locations page (IB_SVCSETUP_SEC) to set service target locations. To access the page, select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Configuration > Service Configuration and click the Setup Target Locations link.

This example illustrates the Target Locations page.

Target Locations page

Use the Web Services Target Locations section of the Target Locations page to set an unsecured or secured URL to be used for XML message schema, WSDL, and as the SOAP endpoint when working with SOAP-based services. Use the REST Services Target Location section of the Target Locations page to set an unsecured or secured URL to be used for WADL and as the REST endpoint.

Important! Target locations for both Web services and REST services must be set for the system to be properly configured to handle services.

Use the example code provided as a guide for entering target locations.

Note: The REST target location URL must include the local default node.