Working with the Domain Status Page

The Domain Status page (AMM_MULTIDOM) features three sections, the Domain Criteria section, the Domain Status section, and the Dispatcher Status section.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Domain Status page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Domain Status page

The Domain Criteria section enables you to perform actions on all domains in the integration system, such as apply a grace period to all domains, activate or inactivate all domains, and purge the current information in the Dispatcher Status section.

The Domains section enables you to activate and inactivate domain status and set domain grace periods. You can also use this section to view failover information for a domain.

The Domain Status section provides application server name and path information for all machines that have domains on the messaging system. For any machine, you can use the drop-down list box to activate or inactivate the machine and all domains on it. You can also set grace periods for domains on specific machines.

Note: If the domain is in Production mode as defined on the Service Configuration page, then the Integration Broker domain status value is set to Active by default.

See Using the Service Configuration Page to Set Service Configuration Properties.

The Domain Status page also features the following controls:

Field or Control


Purge Domain Status

Click the button to purge all of the current status information in the Dispatcher Status section. After you click this button, the system populates the section with information about all processes that are still running.

Note: Purging domain status purges all domains, including the domain on which the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture (PIA) is running. Click the Refresh button to refresh information about the domain running PIA. The rate at which the system re-registers information for the domain running PIA depends on the scan interval setting in PSADMIN.


Click the button to save or apply changes that you make in the Domain Criteria section or the Domain Status section.

Force Reset

Click the button to reset the status of all entries in the Dispatcher Status column in the Dispatcher Status section to Inactive.


Click the button to refresh the Domains section and Dispatcher Status section of the page.