Filtering Asynchronous Service Operation Data

Use the following filter criteria to reduce your search results. The value you set on one page in the Asynchronous Services component is carried forward to all pages of this component. Unless stated otherwise, the fields display on all pages of the Asynchronous Services component.

Field or Control



The Archived check box enables you to search for either archived or live service operation data. To search archived data, select the check box. To search live data, clear the check box.

Correlation ID

This field appears on the Operation Instances page, Publication Contracts page, and Subscription Contracts page in the Asynchronous Services component.

A correlation ID is an identifier used to correlate messages, sent separately, into a single transaction.

To view service operations with a specific correlation ID, enter or select a value in the Correlation ID field.

External Service Name

This field appears on the Operation Instances page in the Asynchronous Services component only.

Enter the name of the inbound service operation received from an integration partner. This name is equivalent to the routing alias.

Group By

This field appears on the Monitor Overview page in the Asynchronous Services component only.

Use the drop-down list box to select how to group returned data. The valid values are:

  • Queue. (Default.)

    Displays results by queue name.

  • Service Operation.

    Displays results by service operation name.

Publish Node, Node Name

Indicates the node that published the service operation.

Note: The Service Operations Monitor only allows you to view information for the local system (database). However, the queues for the local database can contain service operations published by remote nodes, as well the local node. There is only one local node for a database.

Queue Level

This field appears on the Monitor Overview page in the Asynchronous Services component only.

The valid options are:

  • Oper Inst (Operation Instance). (Default.)

  • Pub Con (Publication Contract).

  • Sub Con (Subscription Contract).

Queue Name

To view service operation data within a specific queue, select the appropriate queue value in the Queue Name drop-down list box.


Click the button to apply the filtering criteria selected.

When you click the Refresh button the system saves your search criteria for subsequent searches.


To view service operation data by status, select the status criteria from the Status drop-down list box. The status options reflect the status columns that appear on the Monitor Overview page.

Time Period

The Time Period group box features four fields for searching by date and time: From Date, To Date, From Time and To Time.

If you complete just the date fields, the time fields automatically populate from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.

When left blank, no date or time is used as part of the search criteria.

Transaction ID

To search for a specific transaction, enter the transaction ID.

User View

Check the User Level View box to display information only for those service operations to which you are assigned permission list access.

On the pages where filtering applies, you enter your filtering criteria in the Message Criteria group box. The result set appears in the status grid directly below the filtering options.