Viewing Asynchronous Subscription Contracts Details

Use the Subscription Contracts section of the Asynchronous Details page to view asynchronous subscription contract details. The following example shows this section:

Note: The section displays only when there are subscription contracts associated with the service operation.

The Actions tab of the Subscription Contracts section of the Asynchronous Services page reveals the status of a particular subscription contract.

This example shows the Actions tab in the Publication Contracts section of the Asynchronous Details page.

Subscription Contracts grid

Note: The page elements that appear on the page are discussed elsewhere in this section.

The Information tab reveals details about the subscription transaction, including the transaction ID, the transaction time stamp, and so on.

This example shows the Information tab in the Subscription Contracts section of the Asynchronous Details page.

Subscription Contracts grid

Note: The page elements that appear on the page are discussed elsewhere in this section.