Defining Transform Programs

This section discusses how to define transform programs.

This section contains information about defining transform programs

Transform Program Type

To create a transform program, in the Program Properties dialog box for the application engine program you must specify that the program type is Transform Only. After you select this option, input message name, output message name, input root element and output root element fields display.

Input and Output Message Names

When developing a transformation program, PeopleSoft Integration Broker enables you to specify the schema of the message that is going into the transform (input message and version), as well as the schema of the message that is the output of the program (output message and version).

Note: You must specify this information when using the Oracle XSL Mapper to develop transformation programs.

These fields are required when developing transformations using the Oracle XSL Mapper.

In all other cases, these fields are optional, since there may be occasions where a transformation is general in nature and used by many messages. For example, it might be a transform that changes certain fields regardless of the message shape. In cases such as these, you would not want to define a specific input or output shape, since the transform program is only changing fields.

Input and Output Root Elements

When working with nonrowset-based messages, there may be situations where the schemas for input and output messages have multiple root elements. However, Oracle XSL Mapper uses only one of the root elements on the input side as well as only one on the output side.

When using Oracle XSL Mapper to build XSLT transformations, you may specify the input and output root elements in the Program Properties dialog box. If you do not specify an input or output root element, Oracle XSL Mapper uses the first root element in the schema.

To define a transform program, create a new application engine object in PeopleSoft Application Designer. Then in the Program Properties dialog box you specify the program type as a transform program.

This example illustrates the Program Properties – Advanced page for an application engine program.

Program Properties - Advanced tab

In the previous example, note that the Program Type field displays Transform Only.

To define a transform program:

  1. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, select File > New > App Engine Program and click the OK button.

    A new application engine program window appears.

  2. On the toolbar, click the Properties button.

    The Program Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Click the Advanced tab.

  4. From the Program Type drop-down list box, select Transform Only.

    Additional fields relating to input messages, output messages and root elements appear.

  5. Select an input message and version:

    1. From the Input Message Name drop-down list box, select the name of the message before transformation is applied.

    2. From the Input Message Version drop-down list box, select the version of the input message.

  6. In the Input Root Element field, enter the name of the input schema root element to use.

    Enter a value in this field if the input message has multiple root elements. If the input message has multiple root elements and you do not enter an input root element, the first root element in the message is used for transformation.

    This field is disabled when the input message is a rowset-based message.

  7. Select an output message and version.

    1. From the Output Message Name drop-down list box, select the name of the message after transformation is applied.

    2. From the Output Message Version drop-down list box, select the version of the output message.

  8. In the Output Root Element field, enter the name of the output schema root element to use.

    This field is disabled when working with rowset-based messages.

  9. Click the OK button.

  10. The Program Properties dialog box closes.

  11. Select File > Save.