Managing Service Operation Versions

This section discusses how to:

  • Create service operation versions.

  • Use non-default service operation versions.

The information in this section pertains to REST and non-REST service operations.

When you create a new service operation version, the new version automatically becomes the active default version.

If you have generated WSDL or WADL for the current service operation, after you create the new version you are prompted to generate WSDL or WADL for the new version.

To create a new service operation version:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Service Operation Definitions.

    Select the service operation with which to work. The Service Operations–General page appears.

  2. At the bottom of the page, click the Add Version link.

    The Service Operation Versions page appears.

  3. In the Service Operations Version field, enter the new version and click the OK button.

    The Service Operations Version page appears.

  4. Complete the fields as appropriate for the new service operation version.

    See Defining Service Operation Version Information.

  5. Click the Save button.

The new service operation version appears in the Service Operations–General page.

A Non-Default Versions grid appears at the bottom of the page that lists and provides access to the previous service operation version. Note that all versions that display in this grid have a status of Inactive.

PeopleCode processing for service operation handlers takes place on the default service operation version.

To continue using non-default service operation version you must write and apply transformations to transform message shapes contained in the non-default service operation version to the message shapes contained in the default version so that handler processing of the service operation can occur.

You need to write and apply transformations only for the changed message shapes. For example, if a service operation contains request and response messages, but only the request message shape has changed between versions, you need only write and apply a transform program to transform the request message on the request message that is contained in the non-default service operation version to the shape of the request message in the default version.

The non-default versions are inactive until the transformations are entered and the status is changed to Active. Then the grid shows the version with Active.