Understanding Integration Setup for the Integration Scenarios

An integration engine is automatically installed as part of your PeopleSoft application, and an integration gateway is installed as part of the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. However, there's no requirement that your integration gateway be on the same machine as the integration engine.

In general, the high-level tasks that you perform to configure any of the integration scenarios are:

  • Define a local integration gateway.

  • Define a remote integration gateway.

  • Set integration gateway properties.

  • Set up a local node.

  • Set up a remote node.

  • Create service operations with inbound and outbound routing definitions.

You may not need to perform all of these tasks. For example, if you don't need to communicate through a firewall, you probably don't need to define a remote gateway.

Application messaging, the precursor to PeopleSoft Integration Broker, employed content-based routing—each message had to provide its own routing information, which was defined in the message header. With PeopleSoft Integration Broker, you define the routing information separately. You can apply multiple routings to a message and change the routings independent of the message definition.

Defining Local and Remote Integration Gateways

On each PeopleSoft Integration Broker system in your configuration, you must specify a local integration gateway. The local gateway is the application’s first point of contact with other PeopleSoft applications, third-party systems, PeopleSoft Integration Broker hubs, and remote gateways. You must define exactly one local gateway for each integration engine, but a single installed gateway can serve multiple engines. The web server where the integration gateway resides can be any machine on which you've installed the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture.

To define the local gateway, use the Gateways component (IB_GATEWAY) to:

  • Add the gateway that the application will use to communicate with other systems.

  • Specify the uniform resource locator (URL) of the gateway's PeopleSoft listening connector.

    This is the connector that receives messages from an integration engine (including the default local node) or another integration gateway.

  • Register the target connectors that are delivered with PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

    These target connectors are automatically installed during the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture installation process. When you subsequently define local and remote nodes, you specify—from the list of installed target connectors—which connector the local gateway should use to send messages to each node.

Note: The remote gateway default connector setting in the integrationGateway.properties file, ig.connector.defaultremoteconnector, determines through which connector the gateway routes messages that are bound for other gateways. By default, this property is set to the HTTP target connector, HTTPTARGET. Never change this setting unless you develop a custom connector to handle this routing.

An integration gateway also includes a set of listening connectors, which are likewise installed with the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. You don't to need to specify these connectors directly; third-party systems send messages to the gateway by specifying the URL of an appropriate listening connector.

Setting Integration Gateway Properties

You set integration gateway properties by using the gateway's primary configuration file, called integrationGateway.properties. You must set an Oracle Jolt connect string in this file to enable communication with each PeopleSoft Integration Broker node that will be involved in an integration that uses this gateway.

The following example shows the required Oracle Jolt connect string setting:


Note: You can also configure a default Oracle Jolt connect string to specify the target node to use when a message arrives at the gateway but doesn't specify a node name matching any of the existing entries. The default Oracle Jolt connect string settings are identical to the others, except that they don't include a node name. You can specify any PeopleSoft Integration Broker node as the default node, including any of the existing entries.

Configuring Local and Remote Nodes

Use the Nodes component (IB_NODE) to configure local and remote nodes.

When you configure nodes, use the Nodes - Connectors page to specify the gateway and target connector to use to send messages to each node. Use the information in the following table as a guide for choosing the appropriate information for the configuration scenarios that are described in this topic:



Node Definition


PeopleSoft as a web service provider.



Not applicable (NA)*

PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Both applications.

Default local.


PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Both applications.


PSFTTARGET (PeopleSoft target connector)

PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft systems.

Both applications.

Default local.


PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft systems.

Both applications.


PSFTTARGET (PeopleSoft target connector)

PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft Integration Broker by using a remote gateway.

Both applications.

Default local.


PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft Integration Broker by using a remote gateway.

Both applications.



PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft Integration Broker by using a hub.

Both applications.

Default local.


PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft Integration Broker by using a hub.

Both applications.



PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft Integration Broker by using a hub.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker hub.

Default local.


PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft Integration Broker by using a hub.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker hub.



PeopleSoft Integration Broker to a third party.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Default local.


PeopleSoft Integration Broker to a third party.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker.


Third-party connector, as appropriate:

  • HTTPTARGET (HTTP target connector)

  • JMSTARGET (Java Message Service [JMS] target connector) target connector)

  • FTPTARGET (File Transfer Protocol [FTP] target connector)

    Note: PeopleTools 8.61 is the last release where FTP Target Connector is supported. FTP Target Connector will be removed in future PeopleTools release.

    Optionally, you can use the SFTP Target Connector instead of the FTP Target Connector.

  • SMTPTARGET (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol [SMTP] target connector)

PeopleSoft Integration Broker to a third party.

Third-party system.



PeopleSoft Integration Broker to a third party by using a remote gateway.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Default local.


PeopleSoft Integration Broker to a third party by using a remote gateway.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker.


Third-party connector, as appropriate:




    Note: PeopleTools 8.61 is the last release where FTP Target Connector is supported. FTP Target Connector will be removed in future PeopleTools release.

    Optionally, you can use the SFTP Target Connector instead of the FTP Target Connector.


PeopleSoft Integration Broker to a third party by using a remote gateway.

Third-party system.



PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft Integration Broker on PeopleTools 8.47 and earlier PeopleTools 8.4x systems.

Both applications.

Default local.


PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleSoft Integration Broker on PeopleTools 8.47 and earlier PeopleTools 8.4x systems.

Both applications.


PSFTTARGET (PeopleSoft target connector)

PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleTools 8.1x systems.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Default local.


PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleTools 8.1x systems.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker.


PSFT81TARGET (PeopleSoft 8.1 target connector)

PeopleSoft Integration Broker to PeopleTools 8.1x systems.

PeopleSoft 8.1x system.


Set up message nodes, message channels, messages, and so on.


* The default connector is PSFTTARGET, but it is not used.