Creating Customization Project Using the Command Line

Customization projects are used to identify any customizations made to managed objects. This feature is only available using the command line or as a step in Change Assistant. This feature will go through the specified objects in a database and check the user ID:

  • If the user ID is not specified in the command line, PSIDE will compare the object user id with ‘PPLSOFT’ and insert the object into the customization project if the user ID is not ‘PPLSOFT’.

  • If user ID is specified in the command line, PSIDE will compare the object user ID with the user IDs specified in the command line and insert the object into the project if the user ID is one of the user IDs specified in the command line.

Important! This feature compares the user ID of the managed object, it does not compare LASTUPDDTTM and detail the property of the managed object.

Use the same command line syntax as identified previously to create a customization project.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Application Designer Command Line Parameters.

Use the command line statement for the create customization project to:

  • Connect the project to the source database.

  • Indicate the user IDs.

    Note: To enter multiple user ID, separate the user IDs with commas.

  • Indicate the object types to include in the project.

    Note: Projects created using -PJRCUST are limited to object types and will include all instances of the object type specified. You can include multiple object types separated by comma. To create a project that includes all object types use ALL.


For this example, assume that the:

  • Project name is PROJECT1.

  • Database type is Oracle.

  • Database name is T855805B.

  • User IDs for the LASTOPRID are PTTRN and PTINT.

  • User ID to signon is PTTRN.

  • The object types are 0,2 (record and field).

  • If there is an existing project with the same name it will be overwritten.

  • Path name of the log file is C:\temp\createcust.log .

For this example, you would enter the following at the command line:

pside.exe -PJRCUST PROJECT1 -OBJ 0,2 -LASTOPRID PTTRN,PTINT -CT ORACLE -CS -CD T855805B -CO PTTRN -CP password -CI people -CW password -LF C:\temp\createcust.log -HIDE -QUIET -SS -SN

This is an example of the log file created for this command line.

This is an example of the log file for creating a customization project.

Example of log for creating a customization project