Reusing Projects

PeopleSoft Application Designer enables you to reuse projects. To reuse a project, clear the Done check boxes for the definitions to be recopied. You might also want to validate the project integrity and delete invalid definitions. However, this is not necessary. During a copy, invalid definitions are reported and ignored.

Validating Project Integrity

To validate project integrity:

  1. Select Tools > Options.

  2. Select the Validate tab.

    Use this tab to specify what kind of checks you want to perform during a project validation. This procedure discusses only project integrity validation.

  3. Select the Validate project integrity check box.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Select Tools > Validate.

    A message appears, asking whether you want to delete and report invalid definitions or just to report them.

    Note: An invalid definition is any definition in the project with an Add or Replace action that does not exist in the database. PeopleSoft Application Designer does not act on definitions with a Delete action, because it assumes that you want to retain such definitions in the project—regardless of whether they still exist in the database—for the purpose of deleting the same definition in a target database.

Resetting All Done Check Boxes

To reset all Done check boxes, right-click in the upgrade definition window and select Reset Done Flag. To reset them for the entire project, select the Reset Project Done Flags option. You can also select Edit > Upgrade > Reset Project Done Flags from the main menu. All Done check boxes for all definitions in the project are cleared.

Resetting Done Check Boxes for a Group of Definitions

To reset Done check boxes for a group of definitions:

  1. Select a group of definitions.

    Use the Ctrl and Shift keys, or select all definitions in the upgrade definition window by clicking the top, left-hand cell of the grid.

  2. Right-click one of the definitions and select Reset Done Flag.

You can also select Edit > Upgrade > Reset Done Flag from the main menu. This clears all Done check boxes for the selected definitions.

Resetting the Done Check Box for a Single Definition

To reset the Done check box for a single definition, clear the Done check box for the definition.

Note: You can only manually clear Done check boxes. You cannot activate these check boxes yourself; they are automatically selected after a successful copy.