Understanding the Email Channel

The email channel requires configuration in Integration Broker in addition to settings in PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework configuration pages. For information on the configuration of email channel in the PeopleSoft Integration Broker see, Configuring Email Channel in PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework (MCF) provides a framework for:

  • Fetching emails from a mail server.

  • Storing and retrieving email parts in a database.

  • Managing attachments.

  • Queueing of emails by the queue server.

Application developers use the PeopleCode application package PT_MCF_MAIL to develop PeopleSoft Application Engine programs and PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture components for email processing.

See Understanding PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework Mail Classes.

PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework email channel features include:

  • The GETMAILTARGET target connector.

  • A PeopleCode application package, PT_MCF_MAIL, to retrieve, store, and delete email.

  • Support for both Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) and Internet Message Access Protocol 4 (IMAP4) email protocols.

  • Support for HTTPS through a Microsoft Azure connection. See Understanding OAuth 2.0.

  • Support for SSL connections.

  • Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections.

  • Support for NT LAN Manager (NTLM) and Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) authentication mechanisms.

  • Support for email attachments, including:

    • An attachments repository running on the same web server as PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

    • URL access to email attachments.

    • Storage and retrieval of email attachments from database.

    • A relative addressing scheme to enable flexibility of repository location.

    • User- and role-based security to control access to attachments.

  • The option to access email headers, attachments, and body from the mail server.

  • Support for multiple message size thresholds to control distribution of email between the database, the attachment repository, and the mail server.

  • Support for UTF8 Unicode as supported by the Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

    See http://java.sun.com.

  • Time zone conversions to support global service-level agreements.

  • Sample email application pages demonstrating the functionality of the PT_MCF_MAIL application package.

  • Ability to enable logging for MCFOutbound email by setting SMTP trace in psappsrv.cfg. The log file is created in the log directory defined in psappsrv.cfg.

    See SMTPTrace.

This section describes some factors to consider when handling email using PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework.

POP3 Versus IMAP4

Most mail servers support simultaneous client connections through both POP3 and IMAP4. Using IMAP4 for your MCF email connection provides significant benefit over using POP3. IMAP4 allows for the use of email folders, which allows malformed emails to be set aside for separate processing. Quarantining malformed emails allows system administrators to remove or correct invalid emails without interrupting normal processing.

Note: Using IMAP4 for your MCF email connection does not preclude the use of POP3 for any other client connections to your mail server.

Note: POP3 mail servers are typically read-only, which can create issues if emails are required to be deleted after being read.

Time Zone Offsets

Set the values of the email sent time zone offset (in minutes) and the receive time zone offset (in minutes) whenever possible. The default value is 800, which indicates time zone information is not available. When available, the values range from +720 to −720.

Connector Determination of Email Size

The connector sometimes cannot determine the size of the message. In such cases the size is set to 0 and an error message is written to the gateway error log.

Malformed Emails

Emails with syntax that does not comply to the latest standard definitions may not be processed successfully by MCF. MCF will return as much as possible of noncompliant emails, however, at times, invalid parts will be ignored. For example, email addresses with invalid characters will not be displayed, such as two @ symbols. Also, if the header information is not valid, such as a malformed content type, the associated email part may not appear.

A common example of a malformed email is one that contains 8-bit encoded information in a header, such as the To, Cc or Subject field, or in an attachment file name. According to the standard definitions, this information must be encoded using 7-bit encoding, as described in RFC 2045 and others. This encoding is usually done by the email sender.

Note: The PeopleSoft email reader only supports email messages that follow the SMTP specification. Many email clients and mail servers have their own proprietary formats; therefore, be aware that PeopleSoft MCF will interpret these emails according to the RFC specification. For example, some mail servers and clients allow 8-bit encoded data in email headers, which the PeopleSoft email reader does not allow.

Domain Validation

Application developers can use the method IsDomainNameValid to validate email address domains.

Note: The number of retries for domain validation is set by the parameter SMTPDNSTimeoutRetries in psappsrv.cfg.

See SMTP Settings, IsDomainNameValid.

Email Address Syntax Validation

The ValidateAddress method checks the email address syntax against RFC standards.

See ValidateAddress.

Character Sets

If you wish to attach files which are named using characters outside of the character set recognized by your application server or process scheduler operating system, you should update the locale or regional settings of your operating system to allow those characters to be recognized.

SSL/TLS Connections

Certificates are an important component in SSL communication for authentication of the parties involved. In this case, one party is the email server and the other party is PeopleSoft applications.

To configure SSL/TLS for inbound emails:

  1. Add the property MCF_UseTLS to the GETMAILTARGET target connector of your node, for example, MCF_GETMAIL, with a value of Y. This enables a TLS connection to the server, requiring the use of STARTTLS.

    Note: For a direct SSL/TLS connection, use the MCF_UseSSL property instead of MCF_UseTLS.

  2. Obtain the email server certificate and import that in the pskey key store using pskeymanager utility.

  3. Update the Integration Broker Gateway properties file with the path to this key store and the key store password, as described here:

    • secureFileKeystorePath: Enter the full path and file name of the gateway keystore file, which is located in the web server directory structure. For example: <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN>\piaconfig\keystore.

    • secureFileKeystorePasswd: Enter the keystore password. This password must be encrypted.

For the communication to work, you must also import the trusted CA root certificates of the CA which signed the email server certificate into the Integration Broker Gateway truststore. If a CA issues a chain of certificates, you must add the entire certificate chain from the signer of the email server certificate to the Root CA certificate.

By default, the gateway truststore may be the pskey peoplesoft keystore stored on the web server or it may be the cacerts keystore for your Java installation. The path to the gateway truststore can be defined by the SSL_KEY_STORE_PATH variable in the setenv.cmd file.

See Implementing WebLogic SSL Keys and Certificates

Connectivity information for outgoing emails can be configured in psappsrv.cfg or provided by the application using application package PT_MCF_MAIL.

See Understanding PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework Mail Classes

NTLM and SASL Authentication Mechanisms

MCF supports the NT LAN Manager (NTLM) and the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) authentication mechanisms for outgoing emails. To enable these authentication mechanisms, you must add and configure the NTLM and the SASL parameters in psappsrv.cfg and psprcs.cfg for a primary server and if required, for a backup server. MCF does not set default values for the NTLM and the SASL parameters in the configuration files.

Note: NTLM and SASL log will be available in the SMTP log because NTLM and SASL are part of SMTP sessions. That is, separate log files are not created for NTLM and SASL.

See SMTP Settings.

Virus Scanning

You can enable virus scanning for inbound MCF email attachments and outbound file attachments.

Using IDDA Logging

Use the PeopleSoft Instrumented Development Diagnostic Aid (IDDA) logger to gather information on email attachment viewing.

See Enabling IDDA Logging.