Registering a Model

The machine learning model can be deployed as a REST endpoint after it has been trained and built. Use the Model page to register the REST endpoint. PeopleSoft applications and users use the REST endpoint using the delivered IB_Generic service in Integration Broker.

Access the Model Definition page by navigating to PeopleTools > Data Distribution Framework > Data Distribution Setup, and select Model (under the Inference folder in the left panel). Alternatively, you can navigate to PeopleTools > Data Distribution Framework > Machine Learning Models.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Model Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Model Definition page

The Model Definition page displays a list of existing model definitions. The Model Name drop-down enables you to identify the model that you require.

To add a new model, select the Add Model button. Use the Model Definition page to specify details of a new model.

Field or Control


Model Name

Enter a name for the model.


Enter a description.


Select a data source from the list. The data sources are listed here.

REST End Point

Enter a value to indicate the model.

Note: The system appends the value entered here to the server host to create a fully qualified REST endpoint.