Creating Tabular Layouts

To create a tabular layout in PS/nVision:

  1. Create a new layout by selecting nVision, New Layout from the nVision menu.

    See Creating a New Layout.

  2. Define the layout as a tabular layout.

  3. Select nVision > Layout Definition from the nVision menu.

    The Layout Options dialog box appears.

  4. Select the Tabular Layout Sheet option and click the OK button.

    You can also optionally select a setID, effective date, and business unit to be used as prompts when searching for your layouts.

    The Layout Definition dialog box appears.

  5. Select the Source tab to specify the query name you want to use.

  6. Select a query name from the drop-down list and click the OK button.

    Because you have chosen to create a tabular layout sheet, PS/nVision knows that you will be basing this layout on a query. Therefore, the only option available in the Type drop-down list is Query.

  7. Map the layout columns to query columns.

    See Mapping Tabular Layout Columns.

  8. Define options for your worksheet, rows, and columns.

    See Defining Layout Options.