Using Designer Object Methods

Note: You can develop powerful Visual Basic applications (VBA) with the PS/nVision Visual Basic programming interface. The objects and related methods referenced in this section provide the ability to call PS/nVision features programmatically for common reporting and analysis tasks.

Object methods are listed in order based on their functionality.

Creates an instance of PS/nVision as in the following example:

Dim objnVision As Object
Dim objDesignerCmd As Object
Dim strAppName As String
strAppName = "PSnvision.nvsdesigner"
Set objnVision = CreateObject(strAppName)
Set objDesignerCmd = objnVision.DesignerCmd

After you finish with the Designer object, clear the PS/nVision object by setting it equal to nothing, as in the following example:

Set objnVision = Nothing