Creating PeopleCode Programs

Additional topics in this document, PeopleTools: PeopleCode Developer's Guide, provide information on creating PeopleCode programs, including:

All PeopleCode programs are associated with a definition as well as an event. To learn more about where you can place your PeopleCode, and have it executed as part of the Component Processor event flow, see Accessing PeopleCode and Events.

See Accessing Page PeopleCode.

Use the PeopleCode editor to create your PeopleCode programs. All the functionality of the PeopleCode editor is described in Using the PeopleCode Editor.

See Using the PeopleCode Editor.

Every PeopleCode program is associated with a definition. The following definitions have additional functionality associated with the PeopleCode editor:

  • SQL definitions

  • Application Package definitions

See Understanding the SQL Editor Window.

See Creating Application Packages.

After you have created your program, you must run it. Often, that involves fixing any errors that you find. The PeopleCode debugger is an integrated part of PeopleSoft Application Designer, and it has many useful tools for determining where code errors are occurring. All the functionality is described in Debugging your Application.

See Understanding the PeopleCode Debugger.

After your PeopleCode program is running, you may want to either improve its performance or the user experience. Techniques for doing this are discussed in Improving Your PeopleCode.

See Understanding PeopleCode Programs and Events.