Finding References to Application Packages and Classes

You can use the Find Definition References menu item to quickly find references to application packages or classes.

To be able to search for references to application packages or classes, you must compile all PeopleCode for the database first:

Note: This compilation process is a one-time activity per database, which takes many hours to complete and depending on the size of your database.

  1. Sign into Application Designer in two-tier mode.

  2. In Application Designer, select Tools > Compile all PeopleCode.

  3. In the Compile All PeopleCode dialog box, select the Compile all and Save all PeopleCode option.

  4. Click the Compile button.

After this initial PeopleCode compilation, new application package and class definitions and references are automatically added to the database.

Important! When importing a project that contains application package and application class definitions, you must select the Compile PeopleCode after Import option to add these definitions to the database.

After you have compiled and saved all PeopleCode, you can search for references to application packages or application classes or application class methods:

  1. In Application Designer, open the application package in the Application Package Editor.

  2. In the application package structure, browse to the application package or application class or application class method for which you want to find definition references.

  3. Select Edit, Find Definition References, or right-click the definition and select Find Definition References from the pop-up menu.

    Note: When you want to find definition references for record definition or field definition, the Find Definition References dialog box displays a set of options for filtering the definition types.

    For more information on search filters for record and field definitions, see Finding Definition References.

    This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Finding definition references for an application class. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

    Finding definition references for an application class

    After you select this item, a search of the database takes place, and the results appear on the Find Definition References tab of the output window.

  4. Select any definition that is displayed in the Find Definition References tab by double-clicking it.

    The selected definition opens in the editor.

Note: Find definition references will not find an application package or class name when it appears in a PeopleCode comment or when the name appears in a string literal (that is, within quotes). Use the Find In feature instead.