BannerTile Class Properties

In this section, the BannerTile class properties are presented in alphabetical order.


Use the AnnounceText property to set or return a string value representing an announcement to be posted to an ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) live region of the page when the tiles have been updated with new context values—for example, after UpdateContext has been invoked. This announcement is available to be read by screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Set this property in the constructor method of your custom application class.

Note: There is no default value; you must specify the announcement text.

This property is read/write.


%This.AnnounceText = "One or more tiles has been updated.";


Use the HomepageId property to return a string value representing the concatenation of the following values: NODE_NAME.PORTAL_NAME.HOMEPAGE_NAME For example:


This property is read-only.


Use the HomepageName property to return a string value representing the homepage ID that was specified by the &homepage_ID parameter when an object of your custom application class was instantiated in the dashboard header page’s Activate event. This value, returned by the Request object, represents the content reference name for the fluid dashboard definition. For example:


This property is read-only.


Use the IsExpanded property to set or return a boolean value indicating whether the dashboard header page is expanded or not displayed at all. When IsExpanded is set to False, the dashboard header is hidden for all users affected by this change; otherwise users have the option whether to hide or display the dashboard header. To override the default value of this property, set it in the OverrideDefaultProperties method only.

Note: The default value is True.

While this property is read/write, you must set it using the OverrideDefaultProperties method in your custom application class implementation only.


%This.IsExpanded = False;


Use the IsPersistContext property to set or return a boolean value indicating whether the context keys and values are persisted in memory throughout the user's session. Set this property in the constructor method of your custom application class. If IsPersistContext is set to False, the default context keys and values as specified by SetDefaultContext are still propagated to the tiles on the dashboard. However, these keys and values are not retained in memory.

Note: The default value is True.

This property is read/write.


%This.IsPersistContext = False;


Use the KeyVals property to return an array of array of string representing the current context keys and key values. For example, KeyVals [1][1] represents the first context key, and KeyVals [1][2] represents the corresponding key value.

This property is read-only.


For example, the GetContextString method returns the following context string:


Then, KeyVals [1][1] equals SETID, and KeyVals [1][2] equals DFLTSET.


Use the NodeName property to return a string value representing the node name for the current node.

This property is read-only.


Use the PortalName property to return a string value representing the node name for the current node.

This property is read-only.