LEDGauge Class Properties

These properties are used by the LEDGauge class. The properties are described in alphabetic order.


This property has been desupported and is ignored.


Note: The AnimationDuration property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Note: The AnimationType property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Use this property to specify a Float value indicating the height of the chart as a proportion of its width.

If the aspect ratio is not defined, a default value of 1 is used on fluid pages.

Note: AspectRatio is ignored on classic pages; instead, the height is determined by the height of the chart page control defined in Application Designer or by the Height and Width properties.

This property is read/write.


&lGauge.AspectRatio = 0.8;


Note: The BottomLabel property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Note: The BottomLabelPosition property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Note: The GaugeDecimalDigit property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Note: The GaugeURL property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


On a classic page, use this property to specify a Number value indicating the height of the gauge in pixels.

Note: On a fluid page, the combination of the AspectRatio, Height, and Width properties are used to determine the size of the gauge.

This property is read/write.


Note: The IsDrillable property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Note: The LegendPosition property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Note: The MajorTickIncrement property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Note: The MetricLabelType property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Note: The TopLabel property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Note: The TopLabelPosition property is no longer used in PeopleTools 8.57 and will be ignored.


Use this property to specify the visual representation of the gauge. You can specify either an Integer or constant value for this property.

The values are:

Numeric Value

Constant Value




Display an LED gauge as a dot:

LED gauge set as %GaugeType_LED_Dot

Note: %GaugeType_LED_Dot is the default value.



Display an LED gauge as an arrow:

LED gauge set as %GaugeType_LED_Arrow



Display an LED gauge as a triangle:

LED gauge set as %GaugeType_LED_Triangle



Display an LED gauge as a rectangle:

LED gauge set as %GaugeType_LED_Rectangle



Display an LED gauge as a square:

LED gauge set as %GaugeType_LED_Square

This property is read/write.


In the following example, the status meter gauge is displayed horizontally.

&cLEDGauge.Type = %GaugeType_StatusMeter_Horiz;


On a classic page, use this property to specify a Number value indicating the width of the gauge in pixels.

Note: On a fluid page, the combination of the AspectRatio, Height, and Width properties are used to determine the size of the gauge.

This property is read/write.