OrgChart Class Properties

These properties are used by the OrgChart class. The properties are described in alphabetic order.


Specify whether the node with focus displays centered in the chart area.




Center the focus node


Do not center the focus node

The focus node is not centered if the chart fits in the chart area without a horizontal scroll, even if CenterFocusNode = 0.

The focus node is not centered if any pop-ups are opened. The display of pop-ups in the visible chart area takes priority over focus node centering.

Note: If multiple pop-ups are opened, the last popup opened is not necessarily set to the visible area. This is determined by the position of the pop-up in the rowset.

The default is 0.

This property is read/write.


Set this property to specify the initial schema zoom level.

Valid values are 1 to the number of total schema instances set in the PeopleCode for the organization chart.

When a user selects a different schema level using the zoom control the systems sets the value in the PTCHART_SCHEMA_ID field to the new schema value and sets the value in the CurrentSchemaLevel property to the new schema value, then displays the chart using the new schema level.

If this property is changed to a new value by PeopleCode, the chart is displayed with the new schema level view.

The default value is 1.


Specify whether to use scroll bars or alternative scrolling to move the chart within the visible chart area.




Use scroll bars


Use alternative scrolling. This allows the user to use the scroll navigator or to grab the surface of the organization chart background to move the chart in any direction.

Note: To use the mouse hand feature, the chart background color must be specified in the PSORGCHART style sheet. By default, the background color is white.

Note: On an Apple iPad a user navigates using a finger on a touch screen, so scroll bars, the scroll navigator, and mouse hand features are not displayed on an Apple iPad. For an Apple iPad the behavior is the same for both ChartScrollType= 1 and ChartScrollType = 0.

This property takes an integer value.

The default is 0.

This property is read/write.


Specify the data hint for the collapsed icon image.

An error message is issued if Collapsed_Msg is set but CollapsedImage is not set.

The default is “Expand”.

This property is read/write.


Specify a string value for the name of the image that represents a collapsed node. When a user clicks on the collapsed image, the node will be expanded.

If the CollapsedImage and ExpandedImage properties are not specified, then no expanded/collapsed icon appears on the node and the expand/collapse actions are disabled.

This property is read/write.


&ocOrgChart.CollapsedImage ="PT_COLLAPSED_NODE";


Specify whether to reduce the space at the top of the node reserved for the main icon. This property is ignored for charts that use a display template.

See “Using Node Display Templates” in Designing Organization Chart Nodes.




Reserve space at the top of the node for the main icon.


Reduce the space at the top of the node reserved for the main icon.

This property takes an integer value.

The default is 0.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the style class name that will be used to control the style of linkable breadcrumbs.

The default style class is PT_ORGCHART_BRDCRM.

Oracle recommends that you use the default breadcrumb style.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to set the maximum description length that will appear for the breadcrumb.

A breadcrumb description has a maximum of 50 characters in length. If CrumbMaxDisplayLength is set to 30, then only the first 30 characters of the description appear and an ellipsis ( “…” ) is appended.

On mouse-over, the whole text of the breadcrumb appears.

The default is to show the full description.

This property takes a number value.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the image name for the image that appears between breadcrumb entries.

If this property is not set, then no image appears between breadcrumb entries. Instead, breadcrumb entries are separated by three spaces.

This property takes a string value.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to set the default image name for the image that will appear if ImageLocation is not 0 and no image is set in the work record.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify organization chart orientation.







The default is 2 (vertical).

This property is read/write.


This property is retained for backward compatibility. PeopleTools version 8.52 and later do not use this property.

Specify the style for the drop-down list box header for the organization chart.




The button appears to left, aligned with the other descriptors.


The button appears to right.


The button appears in the center of the node.

The default style class is PT_ACTION_POSITION.

This property is read/write.


Specify the data hint for the expanded icon image.

An error message is issued if Expanded_Msg is set but ExpandedImage is not set.

The default is “Collapse”.

This property is read/write.


Specify a string value for the name of the image that represents an expanded node. When a user clicks on the expanded image, the node will be collapsed.

If the CollapsedImage and ExpandedImage properties are not specified, then no expanded/collapsed icon appears on the node and the expand/collapse actions are disabled.

This property is read/write.


&ocOrgChart.ExpandedImage ="PT_EXPANDED_NODE";


Use this property to specify the style class name that will be used to control the focus node.

The default style class is PT_ORGNODE_SELECT.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify if a legend appears with the chart. This property takes a Boolean value: True if the legend appears with the chart, and False otherwise.

The default value is False.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the height of the chart. This property takes a numeric value. The unit of measurement is pixels.

If you try to read this property before setting it, the value returned is 0.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the height of the node image. This property takes a numeric value. The unit of measurement is pixels.

Note: If ImageHeight is very large relative to the chart, data hints may not have room to display properly. If this occurs, you need to reduce ImageHeight or increase chart size.

The default is 0.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify chart node image location:




No image


Image on the left


Image on the right

The default is 0 (No image).

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the mouse-over magnification factor on the node image. This property takes a numeric value. A value of 100 produces a mouse-over image the same size as the node image. If the value is set to 0 or 100, no image magnification will occur.

Note: ImageMouseoverMagnificationFactor is ignored on the Apple iPad. On an Apple iPad the user is able to zoom the entire page to enlarge the image.

Valid values are 0 to 1000.

The default is 0.

This property is read/write.

Note: This property has been desupported and currently exists for backward compatibility only.

Note: This property has been desupported and currently exists for backward compatibility only.


Use this property to set or return the initial node view ID as a string.

This property is read/write.




The OrgChart class only supports %ChartLegend_Top, which is to display the legend on top of the chart.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the style of the legend. The values for this property are the style classes contained in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_ORGCHART_LEGEND.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to set the space between the breadcrumb and legend.

The default is no space between the legend and the breadcrumbs.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the text for the main title of the chart.

This property takes a string value.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the style of the main title. The values for this property are the style classes contained in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default value is “PT_ORGCHART_TITLE”.

This property is read/write.


Specify the maximum number of list items that will appear in the drop down box before the up-and-down arrow vertical scrolling is implemented.

This property is retained for backward compatibility. PeopleTools version 8.52 and later charts do not use this property.

This property takes an integer value.

The default value is 7.

This property is read/write.


The maximum number of nodes to be displayed in the pop-up before a vertical scrollbar appears in the pop-up.

For instance, if MaxPopupDisplayNode is set to 3 and the pop-up has more than 3 nodes, then the pop-up will only display the first 3 nodes with a scrollbar in the pop-up so the user can scroll down to see the other nodes.

The default value is 3.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the main chart node descriptor number 1.

NodeDescrnStyle properties are ignored with charts that use a node display template. Instead, use the PT_CNT_STYLE field in the display template.

Each node can have up to seven descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_ORGNODE_DESC1.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the main chart node descriptor number 2.

NodeDescrnStyle properties are ignored with charts that use a node display template. Instead, use the PT_CNT_STYLE field in the display template.

Each node can have up to seven descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_ORGNODE_DESC2.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the main chart node descriptor number 3.

NodeDescrnStyle properties are ignored with charts that use a node display template. Instead, use the PT_CNT_STYLE field in the display template.

Each node can have up to seven descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_ORGNODE_DESC3.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the main chart node descriptor number 4.

NodeDescrnStyle properties are ignored with charts that use a node display template. Instead, use the PT_CNT_STYLE field in the display template.

Each node can have up to seven descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_ORGNODE_DESC4.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the main chart node descriptor number 5.

NodeDescrnStyle properties are ignored with charts that use a node display template. Instead, use the PT_CNT_STYLE field in the display template.

Each node can have up to seven descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_ORGNODE_DESC5.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the main chart node descriptor number 6.

NodeDescrnStyle properties are ignored with charts that use a node display template. Instead, use the PT_CNT_STYLE field in the display template.

Each node can have up to seven descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_ORGNODE_DESC6.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the main chart node descriptor number 7.

NodeDescrnStyle properties are ignored with charts that use a node display template. Instead, use the PT_CNT_STYLE field in the display template.

Each node can have up to seven descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_ORGNODE_DESC7.

This property is read/write.


Set the maximum descriptor length that will appear in the node.

This property is ignored on charts that use a display template. Instead use the PT_DESCR_MAX display template field to limit descriptor length.

If the full descriptor text is longer than NodeMaxDisplayDescLength, then an ellipsis (“…”) is appended to the displayed text. The entire text appears in a data hint.

The default value is 50 characters.

This property is read/write.


Use the NodeProportion property to control whether nodes can have varying sizes or are sized uniformly.




Node size is variable, based on the content of each node.


Node height is uniform, based on the tallest node.


Node width is uniform, based on the widest node.


Node height and width are uniform.


Nodes are square, based on the largest node height or width.

This property takes an integer value.

The default is 0.

This property is read/write.


Set this property to automatically maximize or minimize the chart area horizontally.




Use the specified size.


Expand horizontally to the right edge of the browser page.

This option should only be used when there is only blank space to the right of the chart. Otherwise, any objects in that area will be pushed off the viewable area.


Contract horizontally to just to the right of the node furthest to the right.


Fit the chart area to the chart horizontally.

This property takes an integer value.

The default is 0.

This property is read/write.


Set this property to automatically maximize or minimize the chart area vertically.




Use the specified size.


Expand vertically to the bottom edge of the browser page.

This option should only be used when there is only blank space at the bottom of the chart. Otherwise, any objects in that area will be pushed off the viewable area.


Contract vertically to just below the bottom of the last visible chart node.


Fit the chart area to the chart vertically.

This property takes an integer value.

The default is 0.

This property is read/write.


The style class that will be used to control the style of the pop-up header and the header descriptor.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_POPUPNODE_HEADER.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the pop-up node descriptor number 1.

Each node can have up to eight descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_POPUPNODE_DESC1.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the pop-up node descriptor number 2.

Each node can have up to eight descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_POPUPNODE_DESC2.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the pop-up node descriptor number 3.

Each node can have up to eight descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_POPUPNODE_DESC3.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the pop-up node descriptor number 4.

Each node can have up to eight descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_POPUPNODE_DESC4.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the pop-up node descriptor number 5.

Each node can have up to eight descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_POPUPNODE_DESC5.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the pop-up node descriptor number 6.

Each node can have up to eight descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_POPUPNODE_DESC6.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the pop-up node descriptor number 7.

Each node can have up to eight descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_POPUPNODE_DESC7.

This property is read/write.


The style class name that will be used to control the style of the pop-up node descriptor number 8.

Each node can have up to eight descriptors, each with its own style.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_POPUPNODE_DESC8.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the style class that defines the overall appearance attributes of the chart . The value must be a valid style class within the style sheet specified for the chart.

This property is read/write.


Specify whether to suppress processing, such as re-centering the chart, when a user clicks on a chart node if no PeopleCode is associated with the node.

This property takes a Boolean value: True to suppress a click on a chart node, and False otherwise.

The default value is False.

This property is read/write.


Specify whether to suppress a processing, such as re-centering the chart, when a user clicks on a chart image if no PeopleCode is associated with the image.

This property takes a Boolean value: True to suppress a click on a chart image, and False otherwise.

The default value is False.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the style class name that will be used to control the style of the unlinkable breadcrumb.

The values for this property are controlled by the specified style class in the style sheet associated with the chart.

The default style class is PT_ORGCHART_UNLINK_BRDCRM.

Oracle recommends that you use the default breadcrumb unlinkable style.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the amount of space above the first level of nodes in an organization chart. If the chart has a legend, the vertical space is measured as the distance from the top of the first level of nodes to the bottom of the legend. If the chart has no legend, the vertical space is the distance from the top of the first level of nodes to the top of the chart area.

This property only applies to charts with a vertical orientation (Direction = 2).

This property takes a numeric value. The unit of measurement is pixels.

The default value is 10 pixels.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the width of the chart. This property takes a numeric value. The unit of measurement is pixels.

If you try to read this property before setting it, the value returned is 0.

This property is read/write.