RatingGaugeChart Class Properties

In this section, the RatingGaugeChart class properties are presented in alphabetical order.


Use this property to specify a Float value indicating the height of the chart as a proportion of its width.

If the aspect ratio is not defined, a default value of 1 is used on fluid pages.

Note: AspectRatio is ignored on classic pages; instead, the height is determined by the height of the chart page control defined in Application Designer or by the Height and Width properties.

This property is read/write.


&rGauge.AspectRatio = 0.8;


Use this property to specify the definition for the gauge’s changed state as a RatingGaugeState object.

This property is read/write.


&oRating.ChangedState = &oRatGaugeChangedState;


Use this property to specify the definition for the gauge’s hover state as a RatingGaugeState object.

This property is read/write.


&oRating.HoverState = &oRatGaugHoverState;


Use this property to specify the maximum number for the rating scale as an Integer value. The default value is 5.

Note: If the maximum is too large and the size of the gauge too small, the gauge shape will not be displayed.


Use this property to specify the minimum number for the rating scale as a Float value. The default value is 0.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify a Boolean value indicating whether the gauge is interactive—that is, whether the user can click on (or touch) the gauge to trigger an action. The default value is False; the gauge is interactive.

Note: If there is FieldChange PeopleCode on the field, the PeopleCode will not execute when the ReadOnly property is True.


Use this property to specify the definition for the gauge’s selected state as a RatingGaugeState object.

This property is read/write


&oRating.SelectedState = &oRatGaugSelState;


Use this property to specify the rating increments as any Float value. As examples, a value of 0.5 displays ratings in half-increments; a value of 1 displays ratings in whole number-increments.

Note: The default value is 1.


Use this property to specify the title for the rating gauge chart as a String value. The title is displayed as a tooltip for the rating gauge chart and is generated as part of the chart information for accessibility purposes.

If no value is specified, then the rating gauge chart title is automatically generated.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify the definition for the gauge’s unselected state as a RatingGaugeState object.

This property is read/write.


&oRating.UnselectedState = &oRatGaugUnSelState;


On a classic page, use this property to specify a Number value indicating the width of the gauge in pixels.

Note: On a fluid page, the combination of the AspectRatio, Height, and Width properties are used to determine the size of the gauge.

This property is read/write.