Request Class Properties

In this section, we discuss the Request class properties. The properties are discussed in alphabetical order.


This property returns the web server domain as a string across which the single sign-in authentication token is valid. Use this property as the domain of any cookie which you want to apply across the same domain as the single sign-in token.

The value of this property is in the format:


Note that it begins with a dot "." character. You can use this format as the value of a cookie's domain property.

However, sometimes you cannot use a value that is prefixed with a dot character. For example, the javascript document.docmain property should not begin with a dot. In this case, you must strip it off manually in your code.

Note: The value of this property is the domain across which the authentication token is valid, set in the AuthTokenDomain configuration property in the configuration properties file. The value of the system variable %AuthenticationToken is the authentication token itself.

This property is read-only.


This property corresponds to the CGI variable AUTH_TYPE. This variable does not necessarily contain a value, and may require special web server configuration to obtain non-empty values.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to return the form factor of the device as an integer, which corresponds to one of the following constants:

Numeric Value

Constant Value









This property is read-only.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


If %Request.BrowserDeviceFormFactor = %FormFactor_Small Then
   PTNUI_LAND_WRK.GROUPBOX15.FreeFormStyleName = "psc_hidden";


Use this property to return the device's type as a string value:

String Value



Desktop or laptop computer





This property is read-only.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Local Grid &LGrid = GetGrid(Page.QE_NUI_GRIDLAYOUT, "PCODEGRID");
Local string &Devicetype;

&Devicetype = %Request.BrowserDeviceType;

Evaluate &Devicetype
When "pc"
   If %Request.BrowserTypeClass = "chrome" Then
      &LGrid.Layout = %DataGrid;
      &LGrid.Layout = %DivGrid;
When "phone"
   &LGrid.Layout = %OriginalFlexGrid;
When "tablet"
   &LGrid.Layout = %ListGrid;


Use this property to return a string indicating whether the browser is defined as fluid capable in the web server's configuration files.

This property is read-only.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


If %Request.BrowserFluidCapable <> "Y" Then


This property returns a string that represents the browser platform (WINXP, WIN8, WIN7, WINVISTA/WIN2008, WIN, MAC68K, MACPPC, MACIPAD, or MAC) that has been associated with the user agent as defined in the web server's configuration files.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to return a string value that represents the platform class (win, ios, mac, or android) that has been associated with the user agent as defined in the web server's configuration files.

This property is read-only.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


/* iPhone only to disable field zooming on focus */
If %Request.BrowserDeviceFormFactor = 0 And
      %Request.BrowserPlatformClass = "ios" Then
   &str = "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no";


This property returns a string that represents the browser type (CHROME, Safari, FIREFOX, or IE) that has been associated with the user agent as defined in the web server's configuration files.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to return a string value that represents the browser type (chrome, safari, firefox, or IE) that has been associated with the user agent as defined in the web server's configuration files.

This property is read-only.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


Local Grid &LGrid = GetGrid(Page.QE_NUI_GRIDLAYOUT, "PCODEGRID");
Local string &Devicetype;

&Devicetype = %Request.BrowserDeviceType;

Evaluate &Devicetype
When "pc"
   If %Request.BrowserTypeClass = "chrome" Then
      &LGrid.Layout = %DataGrid;
      &LGrid.Layout = %DivGrid;
When "phone"
   &LGrid.Layout = %OriginalFlexGrid;
When "tablet"
   &LGrid.Layout = %ListGrid;


This property returns a string describing the version of the browser that sent the request.

This property is read-only.


This property returns a Boolean value, indicating what ByPassSignOn has been set to in the configuration properties file. If this value has been set to True, this property returns True, False otherwise.

This property is read-only.


This property returns a string containing the portion of the current URI before the portal name, and referencing the content servlet (psc).

For the URL:

http://localhost/psc/ps84/PORTAL/NODE/e_procurement/fdm/s/WEBLIB. . . 

This property returns the following:


This property is read-only.


This property returns the refresh meta-tag string that contains the cmd=expire parameter (the ExpireMeta string.)

The following is an example of the ExpireMeta string:

<meta HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh' Target='_top' CONTENT='10; URL=/servlets/psp/ps84/?cmd=expire'>

All Internet script pages should use this property to generate the meta tag to cause the page to expire. It is the same expiration tag used by pages originally created using Application Designer, unless the Internet script generates a menu link in a separate frame that is not supposed to expire.

This tag should be included in the <head> section of the HTML generated by the iScript.

This property is read-only.




Use this property to return a string value that represents the ceiling (the maximum device width in physical pixels) defined in the web server's configuration files for the extra large form factor. The default value is 9999999.

Note: You can use the FormFactor method instead to return an integer value.

This property is read-only.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


This property returns the complete URI up to, but not including, the query string. This method returns a string value.

To return only the request URI (that is, without the scheme, server name or port) use the RequestURI method.

This property is read-only.


From the following code

&FullURI = %Request.FullURI;

&FullURI might contain the following:



This property returns the HTTP method as a string, (for example, GET, POST, PUT) by which this request was made.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to return a string value that represents the ceiling (the maximum device width in physical pixels) defined in the web server's configuration files for the large form factor. The default value is 959.

Note: You can use the FormFactor method instead to return an integer value.

This property is read-only.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


This property returns the complete URL (as a string) to logout of the PeopleSoft session. Use this property to generate a link that causes a page to logout. You should normally not need to include this link on your page.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to return a string value that represents the ceiling (the maximum device width in physical pixels) defined in the web server's configuration files for the medium form factor. The default value is 759.

Note: You can use the FormFactor method instead to return an integer value.

This property is read-only.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


This property returns any path information following the servlet path, but prior to the query string. This property returns null if there is no path information following the servlet path.

This property is read-only.


For the URL:

http:/localhost/psp/ps84/PORTAL/NODE/e_procurement/fdm/s/WEBLIB. . . 

This property returns the following:

psp84/PORTAL/NODE/eprocurements/fdm/s/WEBLIB_. . . 


This property returns the protocol being used for this request as a string in the following form:


An HTTP 1.0 request, as defined by the HTTP 1.0 specification, should return the string HTTP/1.0. Use the Scheme property instead of the Protocol property when generating hrefs (links).

This property is read-only.


This property returns the query string present in the request URL, if any. A query string is defined as any information following a ? character in the URL.

If there is no query string, this method returns null.

Use the request Parameters methods (GetParameterNames, GetParameterValues, GetParameter) to get the values of individual parameters on the query string.

This property is read-only.


This property returns whether a relative URL should be generated for PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture pages. This property is set in the configuration properties file. This property takes a Boolean value: True if a relative URL is generated for PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture pages, False otherwise.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the IP address of the agent that sent the request.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the fully qualified host name of the agent that sent the request.

Note: If remote client directives are set to always return an IP address, then this property returns an IP address instead of a fully qualified host name. See Configuring Remote Client Directives for more information.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the URI, without the protocol.

This property is read-only.


This example uses the following URL:

http://serverx/servlets/psc/ps84/PORTAL/NODE/fdm/s/WEBLIB_Portal. . .

From the following code

&MyRequestURI = %Request.RequestURI;

&MyRequestURI contains the following:

/servlets/psc/ps84/PORTAL/NODE/fdm/s/WEBLIB_PORTAL . . .

Use the following to build an absolute URL:

&myURL = %Request.Scheme | "://" | %Request.ServerName | ":" | %Request.Port | %Request.RequestURI | "?" | %Request.QueryString;


This property corresponds to the CGI variable REMOTE_USER. It is not specific to your PeopleSoft implementation.

This variable does not necessarily contain a value, and may require special web server configuration to obtain non-empty values.

This value is generally populated when J2EE Authentication is enabled in the web-server configuration. The specific implementation of your web-server dictates how exactly this variable is populated. See your web-server specific documentation for more information.

This property is read-only.


This property returns the scheme, also known as the protocol, used by the request. Common schemes include http, https, ftp, and telnet. This property returns a string value.

This property is read-only.


For the URL

http://serverx/servlets/psp/ps84/eprocurement/fdm/s/WEBLIB. . . .

the Scheme property returns:



This property returns the host name of the server on which the servlet is running. This property returns a string value.

This property is read-only.


For the URL

http://serverx/servlets/psp/ps84/eprocurement/fdm/s/WEBLIB. . . .

the ServerName property returns:



This property returns an integer representing the port on which the browser's request was received (that is, the port on which the server is listening.)

This property is read-only.


For the URL

http://servername:80/servlets/iclientservlet/peoplesoft8/?ICType=Panel. . .

the ServerPort property returns:



This property corresponds to the CGI variable SCRIPT_NAME. This variable does not necessarily contain a value, and may require special web server configuration to obtain non-empty values.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to return a string value that represents the ceiling (the maximum device width in physical pixels) defined in the web server's configuration files for the small form factor. The default value is 519.

Note: You can use the FormFactor method instead to return an integer value.

This property is read-only.

Important! Use this property within fluid applications only.


This property returns an integer representing the timeout value, in seconds, set in the file.

This property is read-only.