Configuring PeopleSoft Health Center

Before you can begin using the PeopleSoft Health Center, you need to configure the following elements or verify that these elements are set correctly:

  • Configure Integration Broker.

  • Set the Performance Collator property.

  • Enable the PPM agents.

  • Enable and configure the JMX agents.

  • Enable SSL for JMX agents (optional).

  • Run the PTSFMonitorConfiguration plug-in.

  • Install Logstash.

  • Start the Logstash service.

Note: Oracle recommends that you should install OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards first and then run the PTSFMonitorConfiguration plug-in to configure the monitoring server and deploy the Health Center dashboards. Only after completing these tasks, install Logstash and then proceed with the post-installation configurations as described in the Installing Logstash topic.

Integration Broker must be configured correctly before you can use the Health Center.

See Integration Broker Administration for instructions on setting up the Integration Broker.

You should set the Performance Collator property on the monitoring system.

To set the Performance Collator property:

  1. Run PSADMIN and choose the domain that you want to configure.

  2. Select 4) Configure this domain.

    To configure the domain, the domain needs to be shut down.

  3. Enter y to the question: Do you want to continue (y/n).

  4. Toggle 10) Perf Collator to set it to Yes.

  5. Select 14) Load config as shown.

  6. Restart the domain.

The PPM agents must be able to register with the system before the PeopleSoft Health Center detects anything to monitor.

Enable the PPM agents on:

To enable JMX agents:

  1. Run PSADMIN and choose the domain that you want to configure.

  2. Select 6) Edit configuration/log files menu.

  3. Select 1) Edit domain configuration file.

  4. In the configuration file, in the PSTOOLS section, locate the following parameters and set the values:

    • Enable Remote Administration - Set the value to 1.

    • Remote Administration Port - Set the value to 10100.

      Note: In order to prevent the Java RMI stack from using random ports for the PHC RMI Server, PHC sets a specific port for it, which is the Remote Administration Port value incremented by 1. For example, if the Remote Administration Port is 10100, then port 10101 will be used for PHC's RMI server. When you plan the port usage, this needs to be taken into account.

      Also, in an environment where a firewall is enforced, for a monitored Application server or Process Scheduler domain, the ports assigned for the Remote Administration Port and for the PHC RMI server have to be opened for communication, so that the remote monitoring system's JMX connection can be established. For example, if the monitored domain has the value 10100 set for the Remote Administration Port and the value 10101 is assigned to the PHC RMI server, then the firewall needs to allow ports 10100 and 10101 for communication.

    • Remote Administration Userid - Enter a user ID, for example, admin.

    • Remote Administration Password - Enter a password in clear text or enter an encrypted password. To encrypt the password, use the PSCipher utility.

      Note: If you enter a password in clear text, Oracle recommends that you re-configure the domain using PSADMIN, which encrypts the password and stores in the configuration file.

      For more information on encrypting passwords, see Encrypting Passwords Using the PSCipher Java Utility.

  5. Save the changes you made in the configuration file.

  6. Restart the domain.

Enabling SSL for JMX ensures that the communication between JMX agents and Logstash is secure. Additionally, the information exchanged between agents and client is encrypted with SSL keystore and only trusted agents and clients can connect with the agent.

To enable SSL for JMX agents, complete these steps:

  1. Either use the default keystore pskey or generate your own keystore.

    If you plan to generate your own keystore, complete these steps. Ensure that you specify correct values in the placeholders (< >).

    1. Create Certificate Signing request (CSR).

      keytool -certreq -alias <alias> -keypass -keystore PS_HOME/mykeystore -storepass <password> -file <mycsr.cer> -sigalg SHA256withRSA -ext SAN=dns:<domain name>
    2. Use the CSR to get a certificate from CA. Download it and save it locally, for example, /home/certs/signed.cer.

    3. Import the signed certificate into the keystore.

      keytool -trustcacerts -keystore mykeystore -storepass <password> -importcert -alias <alias> -file </home/certs/signed.cer>
    4. Download Root CA and import it.

      keytool -keystore <mykeystore> -storepass <password> -importcert -alias <alias> -file <RootCA.cer>
  2. Configure JMX SSL settings for the application server and Process Scheduler domains using pskey or generated keystore and ensure that the domains are started successfully.

    In the configuration file, in the PSTOOLS section, locate the following parameters and set the values. In the previous topic, Enabling JMX Agents, you have set values for some of the parameters.

    • Remote Administration SSL Enabled

      Change the value to 1 to enable SSL for JMX agents, and to 0 to disable. The default is 0, disabled. When you enable SSL for JMX agents, you must also specify the location, password, and type for the keystore and truststore.

    • Remote Administration SSL Keystore

      Specify the location of the keystore for SSL.

    • Remote Administration SSL Keystore Password

      Specify the password for the SSL keystore. The password must be encrypted with PSCipher.

      See Using the PSCipher Utility.

    • Remote Administration SSL Keystore Type

      Specify the keystore type, PKCS12 or JKS.

    • Remote Administration SSL Truststore

      Specify the location of the truststore for SSL.

    • Remote Administration SSL Truststore Password

      Specify the password for the SSL truststore. The password must be encrypted with PSCipher.

      See Using the PSCipher Utility.

    • Remote Administration SSL Truststore Type

      Specify the truststore type, PKCS12 or JKS.

For additional information, refer to the Generating JSON Files, Fetching Threshold Parameters, and Sending Alerts with an SSL Setup topic in PeopleSoft Deployment Packages Installation for Search Components (PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.60).

The PTSFMonitorConfiguration plug-in configures the monitoring server and deploys the delivered dashboards and visualizations for PeopleSoft Health Center. OpenSearch Dashboards uses the psft_hc_metrics index for PeopleSoft Health Center visualizations. You use Automated Configuration Manger (ACM) to run the plug-in. In the SEARCH_TEMPLATE template, choose Configure search server monitoring to run the PTSFMonitorConfiguration plug-in.

See Executing Configuration Plug-ins.

Before you run the PTSFMonitorConfiguration plug-in ensure that OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards are installed and that both the servers are running instances.

Note: You must ensure to run the PTSFMonitorConfiguration plug-in before you install Logstash. If this sequence is not followed, PeopleSoft Health Center may not function correctly.

You may configure the monitoring server page and deploy the Health Center dashboards manually, but ensure that you enter the correct values.

To manually configure the monitoring server, refer to Configuring the Monitoring Server.

To manually deploy the Health Center dashboards, refer to Using the Monitoring Visualizations Page.

Purging Health Center Data in OpenSearch

PeopleSoft Health Center analytic data is stored in OpenSearch. You can specify the number of days to retain data in OpenSearch by setting a value in the Purge Retention Period(Days) on the Configure Server page.

See Configuring the Monitoring Server.

Oracle supports the installation of Logstash on Windows and Linux platforms.

To install Logstash, you use the delivered OSK DPK. For instructions on installing Logstash, refer to the PeopleSoft Deployment Packages Installation for Search Components (PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.60).

Oracle recommends that you should install Logstash on a different system than the systems on which PeopleSoft or OpenSearch or OpenSearch Dashboards is installed.

As a pre-requisite for PeopleSoft Health Center to work correctly, you must complete the installation of PeopleSoft, OpenSearch, OpenSearch Dashboards, and Logstash. You must also ensure that the PIA instance is up and running so that the Integration Broker REST service is available, which is required for the installation and configuration of Logstash.

After installing Logstash, you may need to complete the following tasks or verify that the correct values are inserted:

  • Create JSON files.

  • Review configuration files.

  • Secure psvault file.

Creating JSON Files

When you install Logstash using DPK, the installation program creates JSON files, which are needed for collecting metrics. The JSON files are stored in the jmxmonitor folder at this location: <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\jmxmonitor.

Verify that the JSON files are created by navigating to the jmxmonitor folder. For each application, the installation program creates JSON files for application server, Web server, and Process Scheduler. The file names follow this naming convention: <domain_name>_<SysID>_ApplicationName>_<AgentID>.json, for example, App_1_T58P999R_58.json.

If the installation program does not create the needed JSON files, you should navigate to <LOGSTASH_HOME>\bin\ and run the CreateJSON.bat to create JSON files manually.

Note: Before running CreateJSON bat (Windows) or (Linux), ensure that the environment variable LOGSTASH_HOME is set to the correct path. The PATH environment variable should point to the correct JRE bin location.

Reviewing Configuration Files

When you install Logstash using DPK, the installation program creates two configuration files, namely and LogstashPipeLine.CONF, in the config folder: <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\config.

These configuration files contain the values that you provided during the installation of Logstash, so you may want to review the values.

Securing psvault

During the installation of Logstash using the DPK, the psvault file is placed in the properties folder: <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\properties.

Note: The psvault file in Logstash is not related to the psvault in PeopleTools. Therefore, any change to psvault in the Logstash machine does not affect the psvault in the PeopleTools machine. The psvault keys in Logstash and PeopleTools are different.

You can choose to generate a new key if needed.

To build a new key, navigate to <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\bin\ and execute the following command: or for Windows and Linux respectively.

  • PSLSCipher.bat -buildkey (for Windows platform).

  • -buildkey (for Linux platform).

When a new key is generated and updated in the psvault file, which is placed in the Logstash installation, the following values should be regenerated using the PSLSCipher utility that is available (as .bat for Windows and .sh for Linux) in <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\bin:

  • IB user name in <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\config\

  • IB password in <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\config\

  • OpenSearch password in <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\config\LogstashPipeLine.CONF.

To encrypt a password, navigate to <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\bin\ and execute PSLSCipher.bat <password> or <password>.

Important! You must protect access to the psvault file, so exercise caution when you set access permissions to it.

On the Windows platform, after you install Logstash, you should manually start the Logstash service. Refer to the PeopleSoft Deployment Packages Installation for Search Components (PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.60).

To start Logstash on Windows, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a command prompt window, and change directory to <LOGSTASH_HOME>\bin.

    LOGSTASH_HOME refers to the path where you’ve installed Logstash. For example, if OSK DPK is deployed under c:\osk1, Logstash is installed under c:\osk1\pt\Logstash8.6.0. In this example, LOGSTASH_HOME should be set to c:\osk1\pt\Logstash8.6.0.

  2. Run the following command:

    logstash.bat -f <LOGSTASH_HOME>\pt\config\LogstashPipeLine.CONF

On the Linux platform, after you install Logstash, the Logstash service is automatically started. If the Logstash service is not started, you can start the service by executing the following command:

logstash -f <LOGSTASH_HOME>/pt/config/LogstashPipeLine.CONF